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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Fuck you😘
  2. Bukkake
  3. If I can't think of anything I'll probably just log off and drink.
  4. You seem too nice
  5. Only took seven years of living in Pittsburgh
  6. I will be participating!
  7. I applaud the boards for recognizing the loons
  8. Why would anyone eat a balloon 🎈
  9. Can you die from balloons?
  10. I got knocked out boxing with my cousin once. Twas trippy af
  11. Dude! I saw that Texas upset! And the LSU upset! And Auburn got their ass beat! Joy!
  12. Wake Forest just made Clemson go three and out!
  13. Week 6! Bama is whooping some hog ass but they're still managing to make a few plays here and there.
  14. They aren't. Don't watch them.
  15. I started watching cabin fever 3 and it actually looked somewhat good. It definitely had a bigger budget. And the remake was awful. The casting ruined that one
  16. The first one was passable. I actually didn't mind it too much. It's like a 4/10. Cabin fever 2 is like a - 10000/10
  17. Dude fuck this movie. It has legitimately made me depressed.
  18. The first one had charm and decent acting and necessary gore. Spring fever was just a fuck pile of disgusting garbage. The money spent to make this film could have went to sick kids with cancer. Also yeah they did beat the shit out of that truck, and the sick dude vomited all over it lolol
  19. Idk who made it but it's AIDS.
  20. Don't watch it. It's a fucking abomination. I want to sue everyone that had anything to do with its creation. I'm fucking nauseous now lol
  21. It looks like Donald Trump melting
  22. Bro who the fuck mixed that audio? Helen Keller?
  23. Oh yeah bro. I'm high maintenance 🤣🤣
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