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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Why does Ben look like an overgrown drunk uncle/pe teacher?
  2. It's never over bro
  3. I fucks with that
  4. Dat repetitive high ankle sprain doe
  5. Pittsburgh chicks are like a cross between a bud lite commercial and a sleazy rap video. And they LOVE Ben. I've never seen an uglier dude get more female attention. Now Drew Brees is pretty. Id bust his cheeks. No shame.
  6. They covered one of my favorite songs and censored ass and they cut out a bunch of lyrics. I'm grumpy
  7. Might as well be 50. Out of shape ugly ass. And he got a big head. Easter island head ass boy. HEY Arnold head ass boy. Alleged rapist ass boy
  8. Also he's like 50. I'm pretty sure he's sick of the steelers lackluster management which keeps them from getting anywhere
  9. Bro if the Browns win these yinzers are gonna be grumpy af 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  10. LOL! That's like a basketball score
  11. Head hurts..... Throats rough.... Want to die...... Sad /blog
  12. Lol I heard A&M got fucked over
  13. Dawg relax I'm just pulling your balloon. You play dark souls naked too?
  14. Well as long as I get my nut whatever
  15. I chloraphormed you balloons bro
  16. It's not hard it you play it like a scrub m8 😏
  17. Mario is for pussies and grandmas. Real OGs torture ourselves with Dark Souls
  18. Well close your eyes and open your mouth big boy
  19. He better buy me a car or some shit first
  20. How small is your balloon?
  21. Me fucking neither
  22. I was talking to a buddy and he was talking to me about this chick he's talking to. First he told me that he was going to "make her cum so much she won't let me go near her." Then this motherfucker looked at me. And with the most serious tone said "she's gonna be surprised that I have such a nice cock." This dude told me he has a "nice" cock whatever the fuck that means. I quit life.
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