And it isn't just a nostalgia thing. I think the 90s were actually better, and 9/11 forever changed the atmosphere of our entire culture. The paranoia, the bullshit war on terror, the government surveillance, the racism, people becoming more and more anti social. That's not to say these things didn't exist pre 9/11, but I think they've been exacerbated by it. I was 8 when 9/11 happened. And I can remember the fear that I felt. It was unlike any fear I had felt up until that point. It kind of woke me up to the fact that I'm much safer in my country than people around the world. Then I remember in the weeks after there was this crusade. We just wanted blood. We wanted someone to pay for what had happened. And everything just got dark. It wasn't necessarily morose. It was more of a hard slap in the face that stung and continues to sting. I don't know. Maybe I'm just thinking way too much into it. But even though I was a child when it happened, I noticed a change. It's difficult to put into words, but everything is just a little less fun. Does anyone have any other thoughts?