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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Dude Ole miss scored on Bama on the first play
  2. They lose?
  3. Damn man thats shitty. I've had nights like that. I'll get on stage and just ask the people how they're doing and I don't even get a response
  4. Lololololololol yes i did
  5. If you blame other people/things you never get any better
  6. Honestly I don't blame them. Literally everyone finds something funny. It's my job to find what that is. That night was on me.
  7. Depends who's doing it lol
  8. I do a mix honestly. It depends on the room. I've done crowd work for ten minutes straight before
  9. If I'm ever in a position to do so I definitely will lol
  10. I don't know exactly what they did but I know it took like six hours. That was a twelve hour shoot
  11. I do stand up comedy and I saw on Jimmy Kimmel how famous comedians tell bombing stories. I'm nowhere near a famous comedian but I've bombed plenty so here's a fun one: I did an open mic in Manhattan called Old Man Hustle. My buddy came with me. This place was like the size of a hallway. Everyone was shoulder to shoulder, and it was just very uncomfortable. The host was this awesome Irish dude with a long beard, but I digress. So the show starts and I notice that very few people are getting laughs. It seemed to be a very low energy room. The dude that went right before me did the weirdest shit I ever saw and nobody made a sound during his entire set. Then I went up and I tried to riff off the name Old Man Hustle and that didn't work. Then I went into my material and the only person that laughed was the host. Literally everyone else was glaring at me and I know they hated me. Then I did this bit where I pointed to an empty stool and said it was my imaginary friend, and that my imaginary friend thought I was funny. They lost their shit when I did that. So they thought I was so terrible that it was funny lol. Thats some deep level shit. Worst part was after I bombed I had to walk back into this group of people and sit with them because my buddy still had to go. Nothing like rubbing shoulders with people that just watched you eat shit on stage. I left defeated that night, but believe I WILL go back. And hopefully next time I won't die.
  12. I'm rolling! The chick is actually pretty hot without all that makeup. Lol I wanna tell the director about your comment. That shit was funny
  13. yeah i like old rap too. Rap today is just shit. Other than like J cole and Joyner i really like slayer and sepultura. That heavy ass tribal shit.
  14. Yeah we just wanted to make something. Initially we went into that day wanting to shoot something entirely different, but that idea was scrapped and we just made something on the fly.
  15. I'm far from a big deal. I've done my fair share of commercials. But I'm just a regular jerk off lol
  16. https://www.gregvogt.com/films If you click that link it's the video at the top of the page. Might take a minute to load. Let me know what you think.....or don't!
  17. Aw fuk bye
  18. Kill me?
  19. Lol this thread is hashing my buzz 😢
  20. And it isn't just a nostalgia thing. I think the 90s were actually better, and 9/11 forever changed the atmosphere of our entire culture. The paranoia, the bullshit war on terror, the government surveillance, the racism, people becoming more and more anti social. That's not to say these things didn't exist pre 9/11, but I think they've been exacerbated by it. I was 8 when 9/11 happened. And I can remember the fear that I felt. It was unlike any fear I had felt up until that point. It kind of woke me up to the fact that I'm much safer in my country than people around the world. Then I remember in the weeks after there was this crusade. We just wanted blood. We wanted someone to pay for what had happened. And everything just got dark. It wasn't necessarily morose. It was more of a hard slap in the face that stung and continues to sting. I don't know. Maybe I'm just thinking way too much into it. But even though I was a child when it happened, I noticed a change. It's difficult to put into words, but everything is just a little less fun. Does anyone have any other thoughts?
  21. pumpkin sprite
  22. you first
  23. Lol bump
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