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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Gets creepy when they ask how old I am and where I live tho 😂
  2. That's why they call her bullllma
  3. Best saiyan ever
  4. I think you'll like it
  5. Lol listen to like the first ten minutes and you'll get it
  6. https://anchor.fm/corydreshow/episodes/CD-3-Straightest-Rapper-Alive-eolubi
  7. Oh my live source must be lagging. I do have shitternet
  8. You sure cause they don't look like they're being handled lol
  9. I mean.....there's terrorists....that broke into the white house. That shit literally happened and the cops are super chill about it
  10. Well I learned something just now
  11. She is man. Honestly I think it comes from people mistreating her. She probably thinks she isn't worth anyone's time
  12. Hand fetishism is a thing?
  13. You need to do what!
  14. Also as far as not being able to satisfy a man you are overthinking that one lol. You're an attractive girl and it's really easy lmao we don't need much
  15. I have to echo some of the sentiments in this thread. I know from my own experience that if I was alone with a girl and she expressed no physical interest in me I'm going to assume she isn't attracted to me and consider her just a friend.
  16. Ok I get all those except the collar bone. Like you got a clavicle fetish 😆
  17. Idk lol just being a bitch
  18. Time is a man made construct. Shitty reality doesn't start and stop because a year ends. These people on Facebook thinking that their lives are going to be better just because the year is different are fucking stupid.
  19. I know. I just don't care about that
  20. I have no future no fucks given 😁
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