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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. I'll show you gay 😏
  2. All that cake 🎂
  3. Lol just read it bro
  4. Ok this is really good.
  5. That shit lame fam. I be smoking mad weed and cigarettes on valentines day because I'm fukkin ignorant
  6. Why the fuck is Chris Redfield working for Umbrella? Thats like Mario working for bowser. Also why does umbrella care to save you at the end in the first place. These people have killed hundreds with their bio weapons in the past. What gave them a conscious?
  7. Nintendo is trash for that. Lol I guess I gotta make 10000 fake emails
  8. Yo if either of yall wanna play Mario party we can link up when I get home. I got a switch. Idk if I gotta pay to play with people online. If so nevermind lol
  9. What part of Jawja?
  10. Id meet you you're pretty cool. Not sure who else. Im just not sure who's............... Safe I guess?
  11. Exactly. She has no reason to give no fucks about me.
  12. I watched one of my favorite pornstars do an interview, and she was so stupid I don't find her that attractive anymore. Like legit her stupidity turned me off. I never thought that would matter. Btw I'm not saying all pornstars are stupid. But this girl really is. She also made a "rap song" where she says the n word like fifty times and it's fucking cringe (mostly because she's white)
  13. I beat Batman Returns!! I don't even care about this pessimistic message. Anyone that's played this game knows this was a bitch!
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  14. I feel like it's just gonna become like work.
  15. Idk if any of you care but the AAF looks pretty legit. I know there's only 8 teams but it's solid football. Also my Birmingham Iron is 1-0!
  16. How bout we talk about people that can't take a fucking hint? You'd know all about that.
  17. Fuk yea
  18. you want it
  19. Thanks man. I beat ET. That game is the entire trash can
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