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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. I mean you ain't lyin lol. I hang out with mostly comedians. Ironically they are some of the most oversensitive pussies you'll ever meet. And they aren't nearly as fun as people think lol
  2. Lolol idk. I'm not involved with her or anything. She soft af
  3. She said she was scared because everyone seemed so angry.
  4. Not looking forward to either of those lol
  5. I haven't even gotten to that part. Im in Krazy kremlamd. Mudhole marsh legit took me 55 tries. I might just be trash. But fuck this game is hard! Love it tho
  6. You guys should have called an ambulance a long time ago. I've been having a stroke for seven days.
  7. Elon Musk. I'd bust his cheeks.
  8. Would you rather have a 10 inch cock, but you have diabetes.... Or a two inch cock with perfect health for life?
  9. Like holy fuck. It's the Dark Souls of its time
  10. I gotta give you props man. You know how to get reactions.
  11. Lol I feel like we got off track here
  12. I like how most of these are all to one person, and everyone knows who it is 🤣
  13. I'll start: You are a WHORE for making me catch feelings for you then playing me! How dare you! Take your balloons and stick them up your ass, tramp!
  14. I won't. Lol he thinks I will, but when I say I'll never see it I mean just that.
  15. Hey I wrap up or beat my dick. Lol pulling out is a last resort.
  16. Not if you know when to do it. But honestly abstinence is the best way to go. Beat that skin.
  17. I won't be posting in this thread then lol thanks for the warning.
  18. Id still smash. Don't be jelly.
  19. Miss piggy was a woman. Was thick af. I'd smash.
  20. I never trust anything. Lol unless you get snipped pull out. Or beat off.
  21. The fuck you ain't pulling out for?
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