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Master of the GKA-verse
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Everything posted by PokeNirvash

  1. One time they threatened to shut down the boards just because someone posted a picture of a man innocently eating a watermelon. (At least, that's what I'd heard.) I mean, I'd kinda understand it if the guy eating the melon was black, but that's just very random, insane, and dictatorial regardless. EDIT: Sweetness, I can finally edit my posts again! ;D
  2. Wait, so I was able to edit my own posts from 1 on the old forum, but here I need 100 to do the same? I don't mean to offend, but that's asinine.
  3. I would indeed like that.
  4. Is that so? How much, exactly?
  5. I figured as much. But how can I access it? All I get on the upper right corner of my posts is "Quote".
  6. So... yeah. Is there any reason we can't edit our own posts?
  7. I don't know what's more troublesome: recreating this thread after the original ASMB just randomly shut down, or recreating the recreation less than a week later because Luuv says the operators of the new boards hate us. [sigh] No rest for the wicked, I always say. Welcome to Trunks' Watching the Anime Block Experiment #19.1: the land of the free and the home of the free. [now get in the box]
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