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Everything posted by KreiaDidNothingWrong

  1. what's the biggest poop you've ever taken
  2. Is that a Jay Reatard line
  3. I am the queen of degeneracy
  4. hello fellow slowdive fan do you have discord my skype is dead
  5. I can kick a clone of myself in the head probably hard enough to insta-hospitalize them Thanks, TKD, transphobes stand no chance
  6. I mean, tbf, being an anime robot maid would be pretty sweet
  7. I actually drove a few people crazy on the old boards because they tried to get me to tell them who that account was before the boards shut down and I wouldn't
  8. cookie, it is I, the wolf of the stars, and I have decided "up yours" is a spook watcha gonna do
  9. who stole the cookies from the cookie jar
  10. for there is no truth
  11. Yes, and I wouldn't actually know how to live without it being that way at this point.
  12. bisexual tranny revolution when
  13. tell me, how was the soup?
  14. this really got my noggin joggin, u rite
  15. How DARE you make my crotch feel funny
  16. I would deflate all the lifeboats except for mine.
  17. you should learn aikido. trust me, it's a legitimate martial art, and you get to throw people over one handed! it totally works in the street I promise
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