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Everything posted by Elle_Eccentric

  1. I think we need to talk about how you ain’t a mod yet.
  2. Ye of little faith. She is on her way.
  3. I’ve already done that once.
  4. Oh Deathy! Yeah she’s there. I’ll try to finesse.
  5. I agree to all of that. Lemme see if they’re on Facebook.
  6. Ugh he probably endorses Trump! *sticks up nose*
  7. What a coincidence! I’m fucking a guy too! Well look at us.
  8. Whewweee I like the mods calling out bullshit in public!! So much better than ASMB
  9. You were gone a whole 24 hrs. That’s more like taking a knee than an actual break.
  10. Fuck no. All my exciting shit happened weeks and months ago. Hit me back up in summer that when this family actually does stuff.
  11. New phone who dis?
  12. It’s a both.
  13. How long have you been 12?!
  14. I’m not your guy friend
  15. Guh
  16. I’m as white as I can possibly be and even I know what that is. Makes my chili taste legit.
  17. Dammit I vape. I love the sour gummy worm flavor from King Candy and Pachamama Mango Pitaya and Pineapple. Yummmm
  18. Herpes is life man
  19. I’ve never seen anyone dissect pimple popping videos like that. Pun intended.
  20. Even if they have a high turn over rate I would go ahead and put it in. Some places will tell you to not bother showing up, just so they don’t have to give you a paycheck.
  21. I’m watching you Lazowski.
  22. I’m not sure how I spent 2 hrs doing that but.... it is what it is. I’m going to hate myself in the morning.
  23. What exactly are you implying?
  24. What are ya some kind of pixie?
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