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Everything posted by death_by_motorboat

  1. sour strawberry jam.
  2. yeah but how many of those things are really the same thing? and how many things are there really that its a problem that they repeat one?
  3. yesterday was the first time i saw it there
  4. they sell purpose flavored water.
  5. so what? hasnt everybody played it? does mumbo jumbo talk about dementia in it?
  6. how do you support yourself now? why the heck do you all of a sudden need to take on another job? is it full-time? starbucks is one right? whats the other?
  7. he makes a good candidate for suspect of being the zodiac killer. i think manufacturing lsd in switzerland somehow made it onto his resume... weird guy
  8. he has three daughters and a wife thats younger than all three of them. he now thinks the wife is his daughter too, which is vaguely funny if you always knew he was into incest.
  9. no im just painting the backround of my fathers hospital room. maybe theres restraints on the bed?
  10. (accustomed to velcro......)., do they still make shoes with laces? (imagines memories of how to tie a knot.....) (has no idea everyone around him is wearing shoes)
  11. i remember the skyline of new york city. it was always sunset. my daughter was barley. i used to have some teeth. i could chew for hours, days even. i used to walk to a store. where the fuck was it?
  12. this reject must be trying to capitalize off a pic of my ankle tattoo that doesnt even show most of my foot
  13. no. but ive seen a hoohah once and i bets its yucky
  14. you are such an attention whore. whos nasty fucking feet burned my eyes because of you?
  15. double the crazy.
  16. everything in life gets old im hoping youre just joking... you dont really take offense to some older guys skating do you? its just old and stale to be exactly where you were 20-30 years ago is your point i hope... yeah that is fucking sad but it has nothing to do with skating.
  17. most older people cant skateboard because of being old, fat, decreased energy, decreased balance and skill, decreased memorization..........., interest in the sport at all kind of dwindles off too. if they were grinding and flipping and shit when theyre older like that theyre not out of practice so it actually takes a lot of motivation to be skating in your 30's.
  18. yes but not about the city itself. not miss "where" but a lot of things like memories, good times, people, places... missed opportunities and broken connections are the two that really get me, or sometimes just daydreams about how things could be much better or different than they are... i end up telling myself it could be worse...
  19. i have literally watched it almost 100 times. i used to have just a vcr and tv with no cable and repeat-watched each tape all day everyday.
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