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Everything posted by Katya_Hiki

  1. write a novella
  2. yall need jesus
  3. im sorry for your loss
  4. no cause im sick
  5. i dont honestly remember
  6. i am also sick, like a really bad sinus infection and cold
  7. buddy and stitch
  8. do not encourage people to make ass wine
  9. that sounds delicious
  10. ginger ale is the best mixer
  11. i am not wanting the drugs i want the moneyz
  12. bish you callin me fat?
  13. what is that feeling and how do i get it?
  14. i am fond of that
  15. mead was so much sweeter than i thought it would be, theyre always drinking it in fantasy novels i thought it would be more like beer but its def not
  16. i am disgusted
  17. that is a very good reason to keep going
  18. Mix drinks arent dangerous when i can taste all the alcohol in it. hahaha. I usually drink at home so theres really no danger element at all. If you ever want recommendations I know me some wine. 19 crimes: the warden is the best, its a pretty common brand. also the stella artois makes a cider thats p good, but i think strongbow is one of my favs right now
  19. none of us will ever be the same
  20. i like the hard stuff put into pretty much anything. if im drinking beer its gunna be a hard cider or a milk stout, my mix drinks are ALWAYS overpoured, its like DAMN 5 shots? well too late now. I love me some wine, but i drink a whole bottle if i get it. so i have to get the cheap stuff, but my FAV is 19 crimes an aussie blended wine, that shit is goooodd and like 18% which is damn good for a wine.
  21. @Ric i came here to just talk about this. like i will never be the same
  22. So my fav is some Tequila, ice, any juice i have, and some mixer, sometime just tequila and juice but tequila and ginger ale and lime is great too i like just pouring alcohol into anything im drinking honestly
  23. soup lovers so life <3
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