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Everything posted by Katya_Hiki

  1. I want some fuckin donuts, some dumplings, and some more alcohol maybe a massage?
  2. so shes all about sharing aye ;] untrue, we're not all poly
  3. @Drunkenwarrior *nod nod* go onnnnnnn........... @Phillies Oh ho ho.... let daddy help ;]
  4. @nameraka ME! its Dr. Bitch
  5. @stilgar The sausage is my penis
  6. @Derrick Foreal Come sit on papa's lap and tell me all about itttttttttttttttt
  7. @stilgar Ive got some sausage with your name on it ;D
  8. @Bouvre Girl you nasty. Sigh *unvips* @crackymckrackin Now just relax and let me know when it kicks in ;3
  9. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh let it happen
  10. my arm can only go so far my dear
  11. The doctor is in How does that make you feel?
  12. ahhhh yeahhhhh i had grilled cheese and tomato soup
  13. IT WAS GOOD, yeah they changed alot but i dont think thats necessarily a bad thing
  14. @Phillies actually its mostly for schizophrenia, its in the class of anti-psychotics however it can be used for bipolar or more chronic depression, or sleep disorders. i was pretty awesome for my sleep however when it comes to my disorders theres really not a direct medical treatment, anti-depressants haven't worked for me, and neither have mood stabilizers, its like a 1 out of 10 it MIGHT do something. Lithium is more of the bipolar treatment
  15. @Phillies None at the moment, use to be on seroquil
  16. Nah mania is you acting crazy and believing all your ideas while everyone around you is like bitch chill the fuck out as you take off all your clothes and believe youre the messiah or your black out mania where youre either angry as fuck and say stuff you dont remember or yeah the suicidal stuff but not all disassociation is mania , this is about disassociative disorders, where i cant remember having this conversation even though ive been told ive had it many many times, or when ive woken up in places and dont remember how i got there , Or where i come out of this unfeeling autopilot and then feel everything and have to calm the fuck down , or when I shut down after dropping a french fry because im extremely afraid and feel like someones about to punch me. it aint enlightment, its torture
  17. disassociation is a hellova drug
  18. omg they are the same
  19. this happens to me without weed. i use to have panic attacks because of it
  20. 85 65 28 / m f / next door open your door
  21. update: i ate chicken and dumplings
  22. i had the pasta pass this year, it was amazing
  23. well i do not, this is a wholesome thread
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