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Everything posted by Katya_Hiki

  1. Will that be all, I tremble as fight the urge to transform into a hideous swamp monster
  2. i wish i could get high
  3. Oh i recommend the chicken nuggies on my nipples with a side of hot fudge on my taint, i SCREAM
  4. its never off subject, her name is Katya Zamolodchikova, she the love of my life, i whisper lustily
  5. ohohohohoohohohohoohohohohohoho ME>? *my eye light up as my doki doki elivates* i hand you your change, I mean the bus is awful far, i lie because the bus is literally already here
  6. @Phillies Im sorry sir, can you repeat that, i didnt hear the first part, i smile to myself
  7. Alright thatll be 4.76 at the next window, i gasp as i realize senpai is only moments away from noticing me
  8. anything else i shout with mild delirious lust
  9. or ya know, get murdered....
  10. anything to drink, i demand as my bosums jiggle with anticipation
  11. ......hi welcome to wendys can i take your order, i proclaim with enhanced sexiness
  12. its just not always that easy to leave, so its not always an option. someone can be financially controlled, isolated from those that can help them, or too afraid of the what might happen if they leave a friend of mines best friend was murdered by her husband when she tried to leave him
  13. is this victim blaming or kink shaming?
  14. Hi welcome to wendys can i take your order, I say sexily
  16. ugh labyrinth was my jam , thank buldge
  17. im talking about buffalo bill
  18. its not mexican food its taco bell
  19. @Bouvre mm.... werewolves nice
  20. i do not envy a time before internet. i remember having to memorizing phone numbers, having a cd player for my music, having to look up information in books. having fast access to information is amazing
  21. no internet, fuck that
  22. ill have you know, i posted in a thread once, therefore im holding this place together
  23. @Phillies that shit is good stone cold sober, i could drink it all the time
  24. I like blonde hair a deep voice, a chiseled jaw, leopard print robes, lotion on the skin, a bare chest i guess chairs are kind of sexy too
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