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Everything posted by Katya_Hiki

  1. Id say better than the Cold War but the 100 year war is better
  2. I think fake spoilers are the best, but IS IT TRUE??? IS JAR JAR BINKS THE LAST JEDI/MOTHER OF REY?
  4. rey finds out she actually wants to be a wizard and gets accepted to hogwarts
  5. rey finds out her parents are jar jar binks and a c3po what a plot twist no but really it was p good
  6. i am perfect and beautiful and totally look like my icon, therefore 10/10 flawless russian bisexual hooker queen
  7. tru
  8. bipolar sold separately
  9. seasonal depression? why not upgrade to year round depression? all the fun of depression and no way to blame it on anything else
  10. indeed, she likes to cuddle on the couch and it makes me want to nap forever
  11. psh you believe there's an earth? amateur
  12. When I get to drink (when the booze are free is a bonus!) when i get good sleep when I feel accomplished when I have moneyz when im making the moneyz when i win the gamez when my puppy lays on me
  13. give me ideas and no fapping is not happening for lady reasons so do not suggest it (you know who you are)
  14. i will tell her she has fans
  15. not sure yet but great pyrenees can get huge so she might be around 100-130 pounds
  16. my little baby loves the cold, she gets very hot, so the cold is the perfect climate. I wish we could cuddle more but shes like a space heater.
  17. i just watched the first episode. what is sweet heavens is this. live action anime
  18. qween of the chew toys!
  19. she is a golden retriever/ great pyrenees mix. so big floofy
  20. yeah the south is getting hit hard
  21. she is super soft and loves pets
  22. well we were suppose to go up to the cabin this weekend but it snowed a foot before we could even leave. Very disappoint
  23. pupper and doggo both mean dog, get with the hip lingo my dude.
  24. She loves the cold, all she wants to do is eat ice cubes and lay by the door to get the cold breeze she is a perfect pupper
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