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Everything posted by _lost_username_

  1. I'm sure you'd turn heel after the fact and start going "why didn't we defend South Korea" after they started firing missiles into Japan and probably started the largest known refugee crisis known to mankind to this point. The U.S. military isn't in these places to sit around with their dicks in hand, they're there to keep the region stable, which in turn benefits peace via economic growth and trade.
  2. I remember the Wrestlemania gimmick battle royal he won in 2000 or 2001 because he was in no shape to be thrown over the rope. I think they were afraid they'd either injure him badly or kill him.
  3. I literally never said such a thing. I don't even think I've replied to you before. Sorry my comment triggered you. I'd recommend playing City Skylines or watching Camping with Steve if you're mired in negativity.
  4. At this point Lucasfilm is pretty much a zombie that they're trying to find some sort of life in. They've somehow managed to take something like Star Wars and make it feel like less of an event than the next season of the Kardashians. Someone there thought that there was a big audience for Willow, a movie with an extended universe that encompassed only three novels if I remember correctly. The new Indiana Jones film's trailers feel like they have no idea who they're trying to appeal to and just hoping for more nostalgia audiences. I just don't think teenagers and 20-somethings are going to turn out for a movie headlined by an 80-something year old and a late-30s British woman. The people of the age demographic who would be interested don't really go to theaters and are content to wait months for movies to show up on a streaming service or Red Box. After Indiana Jones, I have no idea what's left of Lucasfilm. New management maybe?
  5. At this point they've got plenty of their own properties that have long been canceled to dump in that slot. I'm sure someone would watch Stroker and Hoop at 5 a.m.
  6. What catastrophic failure? Afghanistan and inflation were legacies of Trump's policies Biden was stuck with, so don't bother with those. I can't really think of anything that Biden did to make my life harder. On the other hand, the GOP members of the Senate, House and Supreme Court have been pretty good at stifling policies that would benefit a lot of Americans and doing their best to prevent Biden from having a functional government. On the other hand, what's the GOP offering? Less social spending, unhelpful narratives, weaponizing education and gutting American intelligence services is all I see. At least the Democrats are a coalition party where the moderates keep the more ideological people in check. The GOP doesn't have that all.
  7. He'd better avoid windows and crosswalks.
  8. Well, I guess that leaves them the option of being bad at their job and getting fired. This doesn't sound like something that's going to improve performance. Nothing says "enhancing talent" as much as forcing a bunch of anxious, burnt out and fearful people to do high-level work. The power struggle after Putin inevitably exits the scene will be both interesting and terrifying to watch.
  9. I expect them to do what Warner does and just license a lot of their less-watched shows to other streamers. Tbui, Freevee and Roku Channel will probably be the biggest winners in that. Honestly, there's so much stuff on Disney+, I've given up trying to find anything on it. I feel like I'm spending more time looking than I am watching.
  10. Gonna bomb hard. This is going to be like the Willow series in that Disney is just desperately revitalizing franchises there is just no real demand for.
  11. Bluey and the St. Louis Cardinals 2023 season.
  12. I don't go to theaters anymore. They're made for teenagers and nerds who want tentpole movies. I've been looking forward to "Killers of the Flower Moon" but I'm going to wait till it's streaming. If it's on Apple+, I probably won't see it at all. I'm not going to subscribe to a streaming service for one movie. With the way HBO Max and Disney are going, I'm expecting to see most stuff eventually go on free subscription services that use advertising like Tubi, Freevee or Pluto after they do their year on the premium services. Yeah, I'm sure Apple will eventually do a free subscription service as well.
  13. Well, vodka is probably the biggest killer of Russians since the USSR died. It's pretty obvious why Ukrainians would see it as an ally.
  14. Nothing you said ties the violence in the US to Nigeria. Where is the evidence that Nigerian terrorists and partisans are following an "American" example. The whole chain of responses started with Pooh claiming that the Nigerian violence was somehow tied to American violence, which it is definitely not. I wouldn't count terrorists supported by international groups as "private citizens." This is particularly true when you take into account that Boko Haram actually controls territory within Nigeria. When you launch an organized war against the citizens and government of a country and take control of territory, does that still fall under the umbrella of a regular "private citizen," especially when you take into account ties to other international terrorism groups?
  15. This statement really doesn't have much to do with the situation in Nigeria or many other places. These aren't private citizens with guns, these are organized militants waging a civil war. Their arms aren't single weapons bought at gun stores, they buy them in bulk from international suppliers or seize government caches at police stations or overwhelmed military complexes. The gun law discussion doesn't apply because this situation exists outside of everyday citizenry and is instead between two regions that want to eliminate the other. North and South Nigeria are essentially two different countries fighting for control of the best land that's between them. The official state Nigerian military itself is behind many of the massacres that taken place. Bringing the Nigerian thing in is like pitching a football at a baseball game.
  16. So, where are they claiming there's a connection to the US? They aren't because this is part in a wider scale conflict in which similar attacks targeting houses of worship, schools and businesses have been going on for decades, escalating when the Boko Haram conflict began. Nigeria is constantly ranked one of the top 10 countries for terrorism in the Global Terrorism Index and it's not unusual for dozens of people to die in a single attack: Global Terrorism Index | Countries most impacted by terrorism (visionofhumanity.org) Terrorist attack these places because they inspire fear and offer a lot of victims.
  17. Attacks like the one on the church using guns in Nigeria go back more than 20 years, so either the person who made the "never" comment is incorrect or you misinterpreted what they were saying. Houses of worship have been common targets in the ongoing conflict between Christians and Muslims over the last 25 years in Nigeria. It's a conflict with dozens of massacres that have left thousands of people dead, usually through the use of gunmen attacking schools, churches and other gathering places ... which has always been the strategy of terrorists. There's no evidence that the attackers were even aware of school shootings in the US, and why would they be?
  18. Not sure this is relevant to American shooters. Nigeria is in the grip of a low scale civil war between militant groups fighting each other over religion and ethnic resentments. It's been going on for decades and terrorism for political purposes has been one of the common practices. Plus, there's not been anything about their guns being American in origin. Russia, China and Europe as well as the US have pretty much kept the area awash in guns.
  19. I'm at a point right now where I'm wondering if there's any chance for peace as long as the Rus Federation continues to exist in its current form. Even with Putin gone, it's still got a population indoctrinated with nationalism and dreams of recapturing its former territorial glory. We're kind of looking at a combination of Nazi Germany's early days, which was fueled by resentment of imagined enemies at home and abroad, and later day Rome, which was desperate to hold on to its former glory.
  20. The "replacement theory" is one of Tucker Carlson's favorite boogey men if I remember correctly. I doubt he'll get in any sort of trouble aside from one of the Murdochs saying "hey Tucker, would you mind not saying that for a few weeks until people forget about this like they usually do?"
  21. Trump is just going to say what he thinks is advantageous to him at the time. Trump seems to have a superhuman power when it comes to constantly contradicting himself and people seemingly not even noticing. Trump's not left or right wing or even moderate, he's just this big fat vulture that flies around landing wherever he thinks he is going to get the biggest scraps with the least effort. If Trump thought it would be to his advantage, he'd disregard everything he's said about religion for the last five years and praise Satan.
  22. Would this count? It's leather, but it didn't require an animal to be killed: Lab-Grown Leather | VitroLabs Inc
  23. Trump out there stumpin' for the guy whose dong he want to suck. I think he might be mimicking Don Jr. said something similar the other night. Trump criticizes spending for Ukraine | The Hill
  24. Sweden is home to a lot of Kurdish refugees, many of whom support the creation of a Kurdish homeland cut out of the current territory of Iraq, Turkey and Syria. So, of course, a lot of the organizations that try to make that happen have some sort of base there for recruitment and donations. Whether they're terrorists or not depends on what you consider terrorists.
  25. Erdogan bitching is nothing new. He's been pulling Turkey away from the west ever since he was first elected. He's been doing the MAGA thing before Trump even thought of Twitter, with his paranoid nationalism. He's the one in a hard place though — he can be an annoying, if mostly equal partner, with the west, or a subordinate partner to Putin/Xi. Erdogan says Turkey not supportive of Finland, Sweden joining NATO | Reuters
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