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Everything posted by _lost_username_
I don't know if you'll find an industry as full of craziness and crazy people as the music industry, except for pro-wrestling ... politics maybe.
Looking more likely that Russia had its fingers in coordinating the attack on the Capitol. I would say that Riley June Williams is a prime candidate for a vacation in Guantanamo Bay. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/01/17/pelosi-laptop-office-capitol-460147 Also, she was one of the ones directing the group that broke into the capitol:
It's not one of those qualities that is appealing when Trump and others of his political/psychological bent do it. In general, the celebratory dancing in the entrails of a fallen foe tends to backfire, even if that foe was a terrible person (unless you're in an ethnic/religious conflict). It's probably best to keep those expressions behind doors or on insulated web forums and just shrug and say "let's move on" in public. If anything, I think the majority are burned out on anything Trump and will be happy he's no longer an omnipresence in their lives. Of course, there's certain wings of the media who are going to keep dragging Trump along until all that's left is his scalp and the dead fox attached to it. Fox will magnify anything no matter how insignificant as a major attack on those who voted for Trump and CNN will breathlessly go on and on about potential Trump resurgences. They, along with many cable current events shows (Daily Show, Samantha Bee for example) have built themselves up around Trump that it's hard to see how they will progress without him.
He's a couple months younger than me ... so he's past 40. The snotty rich kid thing must make him seem much younger.
I always found them annoying when the gyms were open because they grunted, groaned and when they did these really crappy lifts they'd celebrate afterwards like they had the biggest dick in the prison shower.
I find I work better from home anyway. We had a change of management over the summer from someone in their 40s who said "work from home as much as you can" when all this started to and older guy who said "I want everyone in the office" to someone that didn't say much one way or the other, but we were still told by our supervisors to come in. I'm the communications specialist for a POA, but I already have a setup at home to handle everything which I emphasized over and over to little avail until we had the pandemic send most of the employees home.
Why am I not surprised he's one of these: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Ego lifter
He tested negative so he gets to move to second step NICU. My supervisor at my place of work, where I caught it, had the gall to tell me "I hope you appreciate what we're doing for you in order to keep your job" in regards to me working from home for a few months ... something I should've been doing all along. It's like, if my co-workers had been careful and I was chewed out for keeping my office door closed during the pandemic, I may not have been in this situation. Needless to say, I don't see myself staying there for the rest of my life.
Trump Jr. looks like a skinny pussy. If he came in my backyard, I'd send my daughter to beat him up in order to practice for the mean girls she'll meet in pre-school.
Masks are not a guarantee, particularly when you're in close quarters for a long period of time. They're meant to prevent the spread when you're going out and making sure to maintain distance. If you're doing one and not the other, then the chances of spread go up further. I caught COVID last month. I was wearing a mask and making sure to social distance, but I still caught it due to others around me not doing the same. It's a weird thing to be sick with, I thought I had allergies until I lost my sense of smell and cases started breaking out at work. My wife wound up catching it and we wound up having a baby two months early. He should be getting out of isolation in the NICU if he tests negative today.
Shapiro is either ignorant or disingenuous (probably this). Not all zip ties are the same. The ones that suspects were carrying around in the capitol are made specifically for binding people: https://www.amazon.com/Tool-Gadget-Disposable-Handcuffs-Restraints/dp/B074MQ2TFG There may need to legislation passed to bind the sales of these types of zip ties considering they've been used in crimes before.
Also, fines for not wearing masks. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/534165-pelosi-announces-lawmakers-will-be-fined-if-they-bypass-metal-detectors-to I don't like to say things without evidence, but I'm really wondering if some members of the GOP planned to intentionally spread COVID-19. Greene and a few others were giving tours to rioters and the fact that the shelter's quarters are cramped really makes me think that there should be an investigation as to whether infection of Democratic lawmakers was part of the plan. Like the intelligence agencies said, this wasn't a spontaneous thing. There is probably a smaller inner circle coordinating things. Whether that group is rooted online, in the White House or in Congress remains to be seen.
This is not the suspect in the death of Sicknick. The cop in the video being beat on the steps was not killed. This is why you can't rely on amateurs to find suspects, particularly anonymous ones online. The guy that wacky posted was the suspect they're seeking: https://www.fox13now.com/news/national-news/photo-released-of-suspect-possibly-linked-to-death-of-capitol-officer
The terrifying part is that we don't know who is loyal to who within our military, police or even security agencies now. The security agencies are appointments and would be rather easy to clear out as far as Trumpists go. But white nationalists and other extremists have been encouraging their membership to join the military and police forces for years: https://www.politico.com/news/2021/01/11/military-right-wing-extremism-457861 I guess we're going to have to wait a few more days to see what happens. I am somewhat expecting a few counties to fall in line with Trump since the sovereign citizens movement is popular with many sheriffs who see themselves as the highest officials in the land: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/constitutional-sheriffs-cops-who-think-government-our-greatest-threat-n557381 I still think that most of these types are little more than keyboard warriors, but we have had private citizens training in militias and amassing arsenals for decades now, waiting for this moment. Considering my party preference is listed as "Democrat" in a heavily Republican County, I'm hoping they don't succeed in taking the courthouses. They could go through county voting registration and find who voted how.
Q-Anon Congress people are a "security risk":
Melania points out who the real victim in all of this is ... herself: https://www.whitehouse.gov/articles/first-lady-melania-trump-path-forward/
I've checked CNN and other reliable sources and that cop has not been identified as Sicknick. I don't think it was him being beat here, Sicknick died from injuries resulting from being hit by a fire extinguisher.
"Assisting" is not the same thing as "protecting." If he had ordered the National Guard to assist the rioters to take the Capitol, he'd be sitting in an isolated high security cell right facing various sedition charges. The National Guard would not have accepted the orders and Trump has enough brains to know that giving such an order would mean his immediate end.
The story you posted contradicts your statement in the first few paragraphs: It's doubtful that the National Guard would have assisted the rioters, considering that runs contradictory to their purpose. The most likely situation is that they would have just stood by or turned to assist the police at the capitol.
We'll see. If there's one thing Trump lacks, it's the ability to control contradicting himself after he's made one of his hostage videos contradicting everything he said up to that point. They're already saying in private that he regrets that video and will probably go back to his old self in a matter of hours. He probably won't be able to generate the same mob, but he'll add evidence to the case for his removal.
I've kind of expected Murkowski to become an Independent at times. Time will tell with that, depending if that MAGAverse still holds the base or not. Murkowski was primaried by the Tea Party once, just to come back as a write-in and win. Could happen again with other Senators if they lose a primary to a MAGA. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/533419-murkowski-calls-on-trump-to-resign-i-want-him-out
It's better leaving the identification of these people to the professionals. When a bunch of amateurs set out to identify people from Charlottesville, it turned into a mess. There were people being misidentified, sometimes intentionally so. If someone is incorrectly doxed like that, even if there is a public correction, the first thing potential employers, friends or lovers are going to see when they google them is "so and so is a Nazi." These net mobs are just destructive and usually wind up harming the side that they're supposed to be on because of bad PR.
Na, we are not the Weimar Republic or anywhere close to Post-WWI Germany. Not even close.
I think he's reached the limit as far as whipping up his followers then retreating when he feels the heat. I think he may cause a little stir in the 2022 primaries by throwing his weight behind fringe candidates, but I believe they will on the most part be beat. By 2024 his biggest influence will be when Democrats point to Jan. 6 as a reason not to vote for whatever Republican is nominated for the presidency (unless it's Hogan or Baker).
Pretty much. That was the high point of MAGA. Trump took a gun and shot himself in the head politically on Wednesday. He's finished as a major force in American politics.