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About Mohri

  • Birthday 07/13/1989

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  1. I don’t smoke unfortunately. Which, from what I heard, makes the best smoking buddies.
  2. There is still the cutting and such. Don’t front, I know you are a Trauma Center fan you sicko!
  3. This is not something I would ever see myself doing, but you have peaked my interest. I know of the old PC game. I may have to do this.
  4. You could just ask me for one of my kidneys instead of attempting to set me up.
  5. I kind of have friends here, but they’re all internet introverts and never leave their rooms. So, they don’t count. It’s also funny you say that, because one of the things was not showing her enough attention. Lolol
  6. You know what, I have not. We talking pit fall traps or something like a glue trap? I like the glue trap idea because I could deny all responsibility and just look like a helpful stranger
  7. So, like, I moved here with my girlfriend and she demoted me to roommate after 3.5 years. So, here I am, living in the big Apple but I don’t know anyone. How does one do this?
  8. Why not pick up an f300 or f500? They’re feather affordable I’d say.
  9. Pffft. Someone doesn’t have enough friends to “fireman” that ish right out. Enough pee is always the true answer.
  10. Oh snap. The way my friends were talking about it you'd think they've been playing it for a month now. I honestly thought it dropped.
  11. Have any of you picked this up yet? If so, what is matchmaking like? I know I could just play on Fight Cade, but it would be rad to be able to play from the comfort of my bed instead of a computer chair. Plus it has Red Earth.
  12. You know, it's pretty hard to find quality ice at fast foot restaurants. So far, out of all the places, I'd have to say the Sonic near me has the best ice. That's not because it's crushed either
  13. I haven't watched anything from Super since it's release, and I haven't watching AS in quite sometime either, but I was wondering, was that Lord Slug?
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