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1938 Packard

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Everything posted by 1938 Packard

  1. Like minded... I didn't say anything about IQ.
  2. Lost it thirty six years ago. Over-rated. I stink? Tell that to the coffee house clique. (ref another thread)
  3. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa's
  4. Why is the 800 number on the back of card printed small enough to require a jeweler's loupe?
  5. It's like I said before - like minded individuals.
  6. Their Board of Directors had discussions of going public. This is going to be the biggest thing since plastics.
  7. Let's see... the old Packard from eight years ago is too hungover to stand for a roll call, the Packard from thirty three years ago is still working at Taco Bell and I'm full of Red Bull. Choose the Packard you want.
  8. I dunno... I just recently signed up for auto pay. But every month, I watch my bank account and see whether the money has actually moved. I know if I don't see it move within five days, I'll get a paper check ready before the six day deadline.
  9. She was A - minor.
  10. When he and I were in high school, the big thing was the monthly coffee house, hosted by the English teacher. Plenty of coffee, comedy skits, poetry and music. He said he was coming to AC and wanted to get the coffee house clique back together for a night at the Irish Pub. I told him I'd be there for it, but more than half the clique is scattered over nine states. He pulled it off. I got there and the room was totally packed. People I hadn't seen in ages were there. That included the English teacher. They came in on buses, they flew... whatever it took and showed up for this. Yeah... This pal is still popular. I guess they're all getting old. The first hour was like a rerun of the coffee house. Between three guitars, a steel guitar, a kazoo and a mandolute, we sat around singing the same songs that were made just for the old gatherings. But, then the beer sank in and there were only three sober guys in the room. Just what I was waiting for, they starting making up new and original songs right on the spot. Now, I can't sing or play, but it's fun to be with people who can. I'll be adding more people to FB later.
  11. 1938 Packard


    /you could have told him you wanted to go to Atlantic City, Wyoming.
  12. My battery power. {Logs off}
  13. That hipster song was a 45 single when I was in second grade.
  14. It's groovy when they can pull it off right.
  15. These waffles need whiffing.
  16. Very low cost cigarettes. Happy Harry's pharmacy. A place with rooms for rent at less than $100 per week.
  17. Second hand smoke can magically weedle its way through gaps around doors, plumbing fixtures and electrical fixtures. That's when it expertly guides itself up the nose of your asthmatic neighbor. Really? Carbon monoxide and water vapor are both gasses. Well, when Co1 and water vapor behave the same way, as gasses, that must mean I'm fogging up my neighbor's mirrors every time I take a forty minute shower.
  18. What's worse than a nail going through your tire? How about a nail going through your shoe?
  19. is a strip mall.
  20. What's the top dog company in development of such marvels?
  21. Nobody's got balsam.
  22. I said, "Where are you going with that?" He said, "This is for every dude I see wearing a guy romper this summer."
  23. Like what... the realization that combining my pensions makes me worth more money retired than working?
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