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1938 Packard

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Everything posted by 1938 Packard

  1. did I even say that the op was a haiku? Anyway, I never did refer to myself as Yoni. The original line was in the third person, not referring to myself. Now, if you're looking for a haiku, try this one: I play lottries. Just a dollar buys a dream. Oops, I lost again.
  2. Count 'em
  3. Used to be an Olympic superstar. Should have been the "special" Olympics. "Duh... I throw stuff and I eat Wheaties."
  4. Now, try that with six syllables per line and make them rhyme.
  5. She's Condoleezza Rice. Her name can rhyme with lice. She adds a lot of spice.
  6. I didn't even care about Bruce Jenner. Just another meat head that got famous for throwing things.
  7. Select from an infinite number of alternate realities. Pop in and pop out at will, like Ron Post
  8. finishing each month with money going into savings.
  9. Does anybody else remember when Goldie Hawn was the hottest chick on TV?
  10. For five grand a month, it's probably a full service nursing home.
  11. especially joints
  12. Can't get a job without it.
  13. -.0 The wold needs anime 3D hologram girls doing that on every corner.
  14. While he was riding by, he leaned his head out the window and blustered, "What are YOU looking at?" Actually, if he had kept his mouth shut, I might not have noticed him. What was I looking at, anyway? Probably a future resident of the state pen.
  15. At least they have it for seniors in Atlantic City. Community Haven Apartments charges only about twenty percent of income.
  16. What does black have to do with it?
  17. Right... but unless it's rent controlled or reserved for welfare recipients, the tenant has to be a senior citizen over age sixty five.
  18. It used to be all commercial free. That was the point of paying for cable.
  19. Auto supply stores sell inverters. They change 12 volts DC from the cigarette lighter to 120 volts AC. You won't get a lot of amperage that way, but it should at least run your TV and PS.
  20. I'm not the one who conducted it. Cops did and rounded up more than thirty burglars in the same day.
  21. On the older board. The topic was Bait Car and too many people started claiming that the method is a way to frame people and fabricate a crime.
  22. What's the difference between that and other bait situations I've mentioned here?
  23. If you're going to live in a car, find out how much a gym membership is where you are. Even if you're technically homeless, you gotta keep up appearances with showering.
  24. A tractor trailer is parked on a street corner. The trailer has a very flimsy lock. Inside, there are boxes marked as merchandise. Just bricks in the boxes, making up the weight. And... police officers hiding in a wooden crate. Of course, it's all being recorded. So, don't break the locks off tractor trailers.
  25. Something about a chemist who wanted to replace hemp with nylon.
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