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1938 Packard

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Everything posted by 1938 Packard

  1. I've got a 386 IBM PC clone laying around here someplace. It runs the very first version of Windows and has a 14.4 modem.
  2. Some hotels would cheat you on that. They'd program the thermostat so it won't go below 72F and add a motion sensor that shuts it off when you're sleeping.
  3. I'll get multiple copies of it, then. What would be the best MD to read it and make the final diagnosis and treatment plan? My insurance covers an array of different practitioners, including specialists.
  4. I'll spend half of it on anime and the rest, I'll spend foolishly.
  5. Typical of a cell phone: 0.15 amps. That's 18 watts at 120 vac. Every 55.55 hours, it pulls in one kilowatt/hour. That's approximately 13 kilowatt/hours per month. Estimated at 14 cents per kilowatt/hour, that's $1.82 per month to run the wall wart, assuming that it's plugged in all the time.
  6. If you bought a ticket, did you sign it?
  7. So, if I need expert testimony in court, I should call that radiologist to the stand?
  8. The radiologist is an employee of the medical imaging service. He gets the image and sends it to the health care provider who ordered it.
  9. I'll continue this after the result is in. A herniated disc might actually be good news.
  10. Okay... so let's hear what he says after he reads the MRI. Can you even identify the parts? Anyway, I might have to go to Laser Spine Institute.
  11. The Hell are you even talking about?
  12. I've got an alt here... I just didn't go overboard with dozens of them as I had in AS.
  13. I'm surprised there's still any market at all for corn syrup sodas. That's like, SO 1980's.
  14. I don't know. The chiropractor will order an MRI next week.
  15. Just think about that for a minute. Having a strong odor could ruin your job interview. So, why do I have supervisors who smoke? Why did I have department heads who smoked? Ditto for the front desk staff. Fact is that HR never notices any smoke smell. Because it isn't there.
  16. And I'd bet the segment that isn't gay is probably doing a lot of dumb shit like sharing narcotics needles or hopping in bed with ten or fifteen strangers every week.
  17. Does it smell like a cigarette that was smoked five months ago?
  18. Try again, that was in the third person, dumbass.
  19. I play lottries Just a dollar buys a dream. Oops, I lost again.
  20. Pepsi can't compete in the energy drink market. All they can do is try new flavors. They already get better sales volume with Aquafina - plain water priced like cola.
  21. No, but I did run the audio recording and most of my skits were based on underground comic publications.
  22. Not stolen. That's where I was most of yesterday evening.
  23. I didn't ask any of them about their taxes, none of them wear dreds, three of them are chain smokers while none of them comment about tobacco smell. This building is regularly inspected, licensed and not facing condemnation. Their abodes are equal or greater. They all have full time jobs or operate their own successful businesses. Only the English teacher believes in a welfare state.
  24. Get a murse
  25. Cartoon/anime/cgi porn > live action porn
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