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1938 Packard

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Everything posted by 1938 Packard

  1. Yup... if the government continues its course of artificially raising wages, you'll eventually end up seeing $39.95 for a glass of water and then orange juice would only be on the menu at the most exclusive, high end restaurants. Of course, they could go in another direction and shrink the portions... three bites and two sips... all gone.
  2. Thanks for reminding me.
  3. There is, but Baltimore Grill has a monopoly on it in this state. Oh, and stay away from Domino's.
  4. Nancy Pelosi thinks he's the one leaving the seat up. This post is sponsored by Au De Poupoi, for those days when your cologne needs to smell better than you do.
  5. I made friends with Warren Buffett. He sits on Miss Muffett's tuffett. When you need to get some bank, He's the guy who pulls the rank.
  6. No, I'm speaking directly to YOU. I mean about dozens and more dozens of people precisely the same as you. "Fiddle dee dee, fiddle dee dee... there's food on every tree!" said the grasshopper to the ants. Winter will be here sooner than you expect. It always hits the same way.
  7. That's what they all say.
  8. Oh... I forgot, you're neglecting your future in favor of those fleeting windfalls.
  9. I didn't know that. Let me see you earn one.
  10. You're the one making the comparison, Bub. Me? I never refer to rank as being superior. Rank doesn't make the man.
  11. So now you're comparing supervisors to malnourished rats? Glad I didn't take that job when offered.
  12. You could stay around for a promotion to department head. Then, you can spend five years with one foot out the door and the other on a banana peel.
  13. The supervisor didn't object to accepting it.
  14. The $500 is what the supervisor got. My payout is going to be the pension.
  15. My Dad was in his forties 1984. I was a Hell of a lot younger.
  16. No, That's EVERY year for the past seven or eight. I can also pay cash for car or a piece of land.
  17. ExCUSE me... that was the supervisor who got the $500. The payout for me is a pension. I'm worth more money retired than working at this point.
  18. It's what this job gets for me. Like, when I go to NY Comic Con, I can stuff three or four hundred bucks in my pocket and seriously buy things instead of just pattering around like a kid on an allowance.
  19. Been working this job 27 years. Moved out on my own in 1984.
  20. $500 cash and the team leader of the month title. Well... It's about time he got some recognition. I knew for ten years this guy's a winner.
  21. I can just try to picture that in a business setting. Boss: "Why is the last page of your report a line of dripping pizza emoticons?" Worker: "We ordered lunch. That's an expense summary."
  22. Kitties do that. It's not malice. Try wigging your fingers on the sofa cushion. If you see his pupils widen, he wants to play a hunting game. Or, just stuff an old sock with catnip and throw it on the floor.
  23. You've won the trust of a shy cat. That doesn't need a priest, you should get a medal.
  24. ... for vacations! Who the Hell borrows any money to take a trip?
  25. How do you manage to function in a civilized community when you talk to people with stuff like, ":poop:" instead of trying to use coherent words? I mean, are there a lot of "doctors" in the house you live in?
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