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Everything posted by Juicy

  1. Computer games are for kids.
  2. $2.7 million
  3. I'm sorry for anyone who lives in a locale that has extreme weather.
  4. Just buy a new one. What are you, poor?
  5. I will sell you one at the going rate.
  6. No, I am Condescending Bro. Allow me to condescend to you.
  7. There's nothing that gets the blood pumping like burning a witch at the stake.
  8. Tell them you're in debt and to leave you alone.
  9. I believe their name was Jewff
  10. You already know.
  11. It's only a waste of money in the minds of those who can't afford it.
  12. I always take excellent care of my vehicles.
  13. This thread confirms you're a fat fuck with zero self control.
  14. It's just a way of patting yourself on the back for buying other people's leftovers.
  15. Maybe one day they'll make an anatomically-correct "Out of the Closet Ken" and gay men everywhere can use his head to stimulate prostate orgasm. I'm sure you would find something extremely homophobic about that as well, though.
  16. Only if you feel that way.
  17. Pssh, real ballers drive a Lamborghini.
  18. Every post you make screams "Please notice me, senpai." Maybe one day you'll be a master troll but you just don't amuse me. Don't kill yourself. It would be a waste of time.
  19. You should park your car in the garage, bud. That's what normal people do.
  20. Juicy


    What a weird thread full of weird people.
  21. I don't believe in you, so I guess your religion is a failure.
  22. Really sucks to be you.
  23. That's really sad buddy. At least I'm younger than you and get all sorts of pussy, if it's any consolation.
  24. You shouldn't talk about other cultures that way.
  25. This was some really weak bait, even from a retard like you.
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