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Everything posted by Juicy

  1. Would charge the price of the train ticket for the seat.
  2. Your diet is worse than mine
  3. ball python
  4. Advertise Ab Cream for the fair price of $19.99
  5. You do have a really bad taste in music m8
  6. board games are terrible and you should stop playing them
  7. Two of the worst things you can possibly eat. Thank her
  8. Lasagna is top tier. It's even better a day later.
  9. Hope you're using that butter at low temps. It has a low burning point.
  10. Check with your doctor. I believe FMLA covers it
  11. Yea. You should definitely do that. It's stupid you can't use the bathroom when needed. Factory work?
  12. Fill a gallon jug of water a day and keep it alongside you.
  13. Reference above post. Cast iron skillet
  14. Have family members or friends that reference you through photos or whathaveu? They will just create a fake profile and use that to data gather, alongside all existing information.
  15. Baking is the least effective method of cooking food. Stop doing it.
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