yeah, and I always use to skip to the end of the vid and refresh the vid so the ads wouldn't show anymore. Now that they changed the algorithym, I just play a random level on my phone until it ends.
I barely started last week since i've gained 30lbs this year. Definently eating chips less and cut alcohol completly. I do however have to work on workouts since the gyms are still closed and my hours don't match the ones that are open.
Might us Pokemon Go as a motivation to walk at night.
Pretty much every restaraunt near me only does take out. A few do dine in but it's either in the parking lot with tables set up, or a few chairs and stools for like 5 people. Check their website or call?
I've seen chromes in best buy. Apple is good for protection from what I've heard. Been a while since i've since the prices for them so they might of gone down.