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  1. Say goodbye to all that extra money you saved up.
  2. Bought a bottle today and gonna drink it maybe later this month if I get a new job. I heard it's alrigth but as a cali boy, I couldn't resist.

    cha la

    Me gusta esa cancion es espanol.
  4. As long as they don't interrupt me during my "Saturday night anime" ritual I don't care what they do.
  5. So are they gonna rename it Redstone afterwards?
  6. My boss does. I'll get back at him one day.
  7. yeah, and I always use to skip to the end of the vid and refresh the vid so the ads wouldn't show anymore. Now that they changed the algorithym, I just play a random level on my phone until it ends.
  8. I barely started last week since i've gained 30lbs this year. Definently eating chips less and cut alcohol completly. I do however have to work on workouts since the gyms are still closed and my hours don't match the ones that are open. Might us Pokemon Go as a motivation to walk at night.
  9. Pretty much every restaraunt near me only does take out. A few do dine in but it's either in the parking lot with tables set up, or a few chairs and stools for like 5 people. Check their website or call?
  10. Having a hand written receipt system would help. They could just deduct it from their stock later on. It works if you pay only in cash.
  11. I've seen chromes in best buy. Apple is good for protection from what I've heard. Been a while since i've since the prices for them so they might of gone down.
  12. If I have to go to $600 I might do it. I have a credit card from Best buy so I can make payments.
  13. As long as it has a HDMI slot and CD slot then i'm ok with it.
  14. I had a HP and it lasted for like 4 yrs. The one I have right now is a Sony VAIO. Maybe I got the bad type of Hp?
  15. Didn't he get in trouble years ago for the same thing? I thought everyone knew he was a rapist for years.
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