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Everything posted by Sandstone

  1. If the Oxygen is mixed with pollutants that's pretty much a given already. And the chances of someone encountering pollutants in the air during the course of their life is pretty certain now, it just depends on which ones and how often. Just think about that, you could be breathing in cancer right now and not even know it.
  2. You are definitely as gay as sonic that's for sure.
  3. He's not overweight lol.... maybe slightly chubby. I mean that's technically overweight, but so what? A huge portion of the country is slightly overweight. It's not like he's morbidly obese geez, he's not even plus size.
  4. It's cute that you think I'm so young. I'm only young at heart boy.
  5. Please leave and never return, kid.
  6. schlubby. Adjective. (comparative schlubbier, superlative schlubbiest) (chiefly US, informal) Socially awkward, unattractive, clumsy, oafish, unkempt, fat, overweight. You'll forgive me cause it's not a term I use super often so I had to look this up. I wouldn't call him unattractive or oafish. Only one here that fits is unkempt and that's not really always, he cleans up nicely.
  7. Well your presence on this forum doesn't make sense either.
  8. Your first mistake was reading Buzzfeed... And also no he's not schlubby wtf. He's very cute. How is this Schlubby? He's not the hottest guy ever but schlubby is not accurate.
  9. Yes, that was me once. It still is to some extent in some crowds. Though mostly not. I think young men feel a ton of societal pressure on the topic and the lack of experience can lead to some very curious behaviors.
  10. No one I know would have shared anything personal of mine with him lol. I did post a recent picture of myself once on discord for some people curious there, but it is gone now and there were only a few present for that. Not that I'm particularly worried, I just found the assertion funny.
  11. He was definitely looking for a signal. And he may have felt uncomfortable for one of two reasons: he thought you knew something was up and had a personal issue with it, or he thought you were attractive and thus had a hard time being around you.
  12. I thought so but wasn't sure. I get him and Buddy mixed up some times.
  13. I seriously doubt that as there are very few people here that have seen me.
  14. Girl, I gotta talk to you about the Lady Gaga movie that's coming out at some point. When are you going to come to another discord call? @Mewn
  15. I mean in person... I'm pretty sure you don't know what I look like or have heard me speak. Wait whose alt are you anyways?
  16. There are more homosexual men that go unnoticed than those that do, because of mannerisms, appearance, or vocal ques. I have had countless people tell me that I am lieing or trolling when I end up bringing up being gay because I am not obvious as to what they would normally perceive as such. It's really disheartening sometimes. Also, a large number of hypermasculine men are gay or bisexual. In fact one of the prominent sexual norms of an ideal man in many ancient cultures was a homosexual aggressor. Though it is hard to explain in a short setting as many ancient culture's concepts of sexuality were very different from our modern concepts.
  17. I can show you some videos of some hyper-masculine men enjoying things in their ass to prove this concept actually.
  18. You didn't like it because she didn't warn you beforehand or because you didn't feel it?
  19. I wouldn't be surprised. My first boyfriend was in the military he was bisexual but acted like he was straight around women and never wanted to bring it up.
  20. They probably didn't know what they were doing then, and they probably never touched your prostate. Trust me if you can't feel it, they are doing it wrong. That goes for penises or toys as well.
  21. They should still experience it at least once. I have found more guys enjoy it (when it is performed properly) than hate it. Even among gays there are some that find anal sex non-enjoyable and tend to be tops only or only do oral sex or other things.
  22. Sandstone

    36 24 36

    I mean, I'm just confused as to why you consider her whiteish. And also what does that even mean? That she has Caucasoid features or just that she's light skinned?
  23. I doubt you smoke anything at all period. I've never smoked weed because A. I never wanted to when I had the opportunity and B. after I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder I learned it was not a good idea for people with the disorder to ingest THC. This has nothing at all to do with you bragging about stuff you've obviously never done before though.
  24. I think more guys should experience it personally, but maybe I'm biased.
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