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Everything posted by Sandstone

  1. What is wrong with you?
  2. Bullfucking shit, maybe some people. We literally just had a pride parade here a few weeks ago in this city. I'm not saying homophobia isn't a problem here, in fact, it's a problem in many places in America outside of very liberal northern and west coast cities. To say the majority of people would have this reaction to such stuff is just absolute horseshit and anecdotal.
  3. That is the most tasty looking turtle I've ever seen.
  4. Notice the reaction they included she seemed far more offended at the diss to country music and sports than anything else. Her initial reaction was "Are you trying to see how fast you can get beat up in a hick town", I would take that to mean they were angry that they were trying to fuck with them. I'm sure if you spray painted fuck Obama and drove through some cities up north you'd get some angry reactions too, especially if you had set up cameras to intentionally try to catch people reacting.
  5. Mental Degenerate.
  6. I'd be interested to know what part of Alabama this was in. It looks like they went to a very rural area. Not only that but it looks very edited like they cut out parts of intentionally antagonizing the owner to get a reaction.
  8. oooooooooooh edrama
  9. That pervy old guy with a sex dungeon.
  10. I have never been violent towards others if that is what you mean.
  11. I don't mean to sound lesbian but think of the sexy hair pulling.
  12. @Adminderaptorpat When are we getting new reacts, and can I request a gold star sticker react?
  13. And you still remain the most redneck Northerner I know. Have a gold star.
  14. We need to just make an arena where people can have gladiator fights. I will put money on Still Me, she will be my champion.
  15. Trust me, sweety, if I ever off myself it won't be because of e-trolls. Man some of you guys have really pretentious sense of control over other people. I'm not nearly as fragile as some of you might think. Most of the time I'm here to have fun or entertain or socialize with a few people that I interact with in other stuff for years, and I occasionally have an incident related to mental health but it isn't spawned from something someone said to me here. I have a very stressful personal life I just don't talk about it in detail a lot here. So trust me when I say people here are the least of my concerns. I may seem irritated or agitated in conversations here sometimes but they have never been the catalyst for any of my problems. But I do appreciate your concern because I think you're probably a good guy and it comes off as genuine.
  16. Nah I just use a minty fragrance body wash. I'm a good boy.
  17. My ass is minty fresh. If you'd like a taste testing. I'm opening up a Costco franchise.
  18. Well, I'm glad I have your stamp of approval, thanks, bro.
  20. I'm not your boi, and it's about as fresh as a Pizza Hut salad bar.
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