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Everything posted by Sandstone

  1. Gj, keep us posted.
  2. Yeah I know, I watched all of it. Pretty good. You could work in some comedy though.
  3. Do standup on your youtube.
  4. You should do standup.
  5. Hey I need you to look at something.
  6. Don't you confuse react me sir!
  7. Best joke I ever heard. This needs all the upvotes.
  8. That sounds like a horrible let down. I'm sorry bud.
  9. Watch the anime if you get a chance. It's really good.
  10. No, he's just deceptively cute and is not afraid to fuck people over when necessary.
  11. His personality is a lot like yours.
  12. I love you, also I love that anime.
  13. You will be waiting forever. Stuck in limbo.
  14. I can't help myself, it's the rabid gay.
  15. The implication you have to be on hardcore drugs to appreciate them.
  16. I would wager most people who you could call special are not special in a good way.
  17. Yes, I do recall that unfortunate conversation. Your uncle is special.
  18. I've watched enough game grumps to know for sure.
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