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Everything posted by Master-Debater131

  1. Haha! I shouldnt laugh, but thats actually kinda funny.
  2. Or it might be perfect And as long as were on this subject, how much truth is there in the statement "I was just scratching my balls...and then....well...... >" because Ive heard that a lot from my guy friends lol.
  3. Lol Idle hands and all that fun stuff
  4. Well thats sorta the question. Like, for building things you have to wear clothes. But one of the best ways to make something sexy is to wear little to nothing under it. so in the case of a lab coat just undies, or no undies, would make the lab coat extremely sexy, although not that useful. Hmm.....tough decisions.
  5. Oh so now your willing to go to the gutter.
  6. As long as its For Science! then its perfectly OK!
  7. With lots and lots of bacon!!! Actually no its super-diet time so nothing good like bacon for a while.
  8. haha oh god Yea I remember those stupid things
  9. When I think of sexy lab coat I think of either having that on and not much else, or like you said making it sexy by how I wear it. Anything can be sexy when you think about it. Just have to figure out how to make it sexy. Also: Boobs automatically make everything look better and sexy
  10. Thats the spirit! Just make sure to go all the way and not stop to early!
  11. I get that. When you wake up and the first thing your brain is doing is turning you on it makes for a very long day.
  12. I dunno. In this case I think it makes it more mysterious than sexy. Its like "That lab coat has lace on it.......whats it hiding?"
  13. Its never to early for that!
  14. Yes! I will need to buy my own sexy lab coat........and figure out what can make a lab coat sexy other than the obvious "Nothing underneath" answer lol.
  15. We may need multiple machines, and volunteers willing to help us find the perfect orgasm!
  16. haha Thats a good way to put it
  17. Or not far enough? Now to design the perfect orgasm!
  18. I know. Without this confirmation none of us would ever know if they are good or not.
  19. Thats not all that is wet
  20. Well at least that much is clear.
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