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Everything posted by FieryDoom

  1. Don't worry, you can kidnap him with your beef flaps if he shows up.
  2. trying to unsee his hair doing that weird anti-physics thing it's doing...
  3. fuck no, I get text messages at 3 in the morning, and I'm sending them out at all sorts of ungodly hours. there's work to be done, son.
  4. There's a test to be a notary? I think in Texas you just pay a fee.
  5. "Emissions outside of a woman ’s vagina, or created outside of a health or medical facility, will be charged a $100 civil penalty for each emission, and will be considered an act against an unborn child, and failing to preserve the sanctity of life." lulz
  6. I want to give a steak a blow job.
  7. Says the asshole dedicating the time to write this shit.
  8. You sure that's your cousin? She's waaaaay better looking...
  9. restraining order, prolly.
  10. This response wins the thread.
  11. Hike the Appalachian Trail.
  12. they're not in the shadows, they're in the seats.
  13. sucking dick for tires? damn, not even crack whores stoop that low.
  14. Your low IQ is not a short term disability...
  15. dude, all of these fucking Mexican boys are just trying to see if you're retarded enough to marry them so they can get their green card. >
  17. As long as it's not the black forest, I have no preference.
  18. WTF is a sports folder?
  19. I always feel like crashing into those bags. ... dead hooker parts flying all over...
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