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Everything posted by FieryDoom

  1. FieryDoom


    I like puffies and innies.
  2. He's asking about your crater pores, not your hair.
  3. He probably goes, "SHUT UP, SCOOB BALLS!"
  4. FieryDoom


  5. I thought that was a walrus.
  6. graphics card: https://smile.amazon.com/EVGA-GeForce-GAMING-Graphics-12G-P4-2992-KR/dp/B00UXTN5P0/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1490191255&sr=8-2&keywords=titan+x+graphics+card
  7. Lots of hot, sweaty sex. or chicken soup. I can provide one or both.
  8. Damn, NY Strip, medium rare sounds about right.
  9. saved for later.
  10. I like flying penguin just fine.
  11. Now look here, you quarrelsome couch waste, educate yourself before you say dumb shit. Read this: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/travel/when-texas-was-bottom-sea-180953653/
  12. No, I think he's retarded/senile enough to expect mouse-sized buffalo and giraffes within the next couple of years.
  13. there's a difference between vanilla flavor and vanilla extract.
  14. Over millions of years, you uncouth ass clown.
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