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Everything posted by Vixen_catgirl

  1. Thanks I ordered it months back but i can try to find the site again and post a link, they might make more.
  2. I actually think they did. There were a few options. This was in January, i just got the hoodie. I had completely forgotten about it.
  3. Limited edition Fooly Cooly i ordered oh so long ago finally arrived.
  4. I wasnt able to be there and i know that in a few years it will be my other one and there is nothign i can do
  5. fuck man
  6. and im fucking drunk.
  7. i think you are the only person i have ever heard have a mushroom allergy!
  8. No problem i appreciated the help lol. They are a lot of fun. But i prefer the cooking kind.
  9. Night crew is best crew!
  10. (brought to you in part by distortedreasoning)
  11. Loooooooool thank you!!
  12. Yes. Very much so. But then again, i havent really dated any americans and i think its normal in other cultures for them to be more expressive or something.
  13. Really loud sex on a balcony in queens with a Korean man who spoke very little english. He was the loud one. It was a good time.
  14. Poor baby
  15. Well im kind of excited for this
  16. Can we make polls on here?? I havent really fucked around with stuff much
  17. Do they taste like dirt or like ass?
  18. Thats a fungus. Not a mushroom
  19. My vote is crimini.
  20. Giant pickle
  21. I have been repeatedly sexually harassed by the precinct near my apartment by the cops. They do it in front of the court house as well. The NYPD overall can be quite disgusting.
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