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Everything posted by Vixen_catgirl

  1. without you ever realizing they are. Then whilst sitting back and taking stock of things you realize you arent quite comfortable with who you are becoming but even more so you are disgusted with how this diminished, warped, and less moral self seems to jive better with everyone. So is it easier? Is it easier to just let go of the wheel and not give a shit. To lament in old age, enraged at missed chances and unspoken words? Or is it better to always be the object of ridicule? To stand hard against the whims of society, satisfied but outcast? And what to do if you cant muster enough of a fuck to care about the outcome of either?
  2. Yeah, this occurred to me about 30 seconds after posting. It was a bittersweet moment. Its probably better than what ive been doing instead though regardless
  3. I know! i am filled with zest. Lemon zest to be exact
  4. I will no longer have to sit in the corner of my apartment to get a signal. So i will able to be on here a lot more
  5. That was archived? Jesus. Why?!
  6. Yeah, i owe her that much in the least. I have tried staying in contact with her more over the past few months.
  7. I know they have changed a bit, my mom is a little but more sober now. But she forces american culture down my throat this time of year and it drives me nuts. The guy she married is a piece of shit, i highly doubt that has changed.
  8. I ran off at 15 and tried to get emancipated, it failed, i moved to a different big city to hide till 18, got my ged and moved to NYC. It sounds terrible, but i didnt really think much of it, not talking to them i mean.
  9. And then how bad you feel about it makes it even harder to talk to them Yeah, i dont intend to stay there for long
  10. I mean, i feel pretty bad for my younger sister. So there is definitely some guilt there and she has this dickbag of a boyfriend that i used to sell to way back when, bleh just thinking about it all, the dread is building Fuck! I know. Its a horrible trap.
  11. Thank you Very few people remember me so its nice when someone does
  12. Yes ^.^ i was on IB as early as 2004. Much younger than i should have been being on those boards.
  13. I do feel as though i have neglected my IB family. Teh shame I bailed as a teenager, the whole thing was really quite a mess. My family is.. a level of dysfunction I prefer not to deal with.
  14. Part of the ship. Part of the crew.
  15. Ooo nice. Dutch is always a good choice. I have been quite lazy as of late, using zigs. Im quite partial to the green one.
  16. And i have agreed to visit my mother and sister. Why have i done this? I dont fucking know. Bought the plane ticket, so now i can't back out of this.
  17. I support this.
  18. I like midori and sour as a go to. Im not a fan of beer.
  19. I intend to find the still frame of faye i used back on the boards, any copyright stuff i have to worry about? (sorry if this thread already exists)
  20. Yes you are. Now dance
  21. OOh i do love expanding my collection
  22. I have all the "members"
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