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Everything posted by Vixen_catgirl

  1. Overall, that has been my experience too. I hate exercising
  2. I was around a 7 today but my earbuds were in. Now you have me wondering lmao
  3. I think i focus in distance because i look at it like "no matter how long this takes or how hard it is today , i have to run this damn far." And i like watching the decimals go up i guess lol. They have TV on in the gym, but i dont care for sports, or whatever titillating murder drama is current the big thing. I really ought to focus on the things that bother me like you did. I have so very much to think about
  4. I get what you mean. I occasionally find myself focusing on varicose veins while running (I have a bizarre phobia linked to blood vessels and veins) To motivate myself as running prevents them by strengthening the blood vessels in the legs. Sometimes after work and school though, i just dont have the time of the energy.
  5. OKay i added everyone who left their ID
  6. After weeks of forcing myself to go to the gym and basically dying night after night. I achieved it. I got the runners high. About a mile in i could hardly breath (i smoke way too many blunts) And i kept pushing and it was like this sudden tingly feeling that started at the top of the skull and spread downward At first i started to get scared i thought i was finally passing out from lack of oxygen but then i felt like my lung capacity expand and a feeling of euphoria. This carried me almost another mile before i did my cool down. However i rarely manage this, and i was wondering if any one here had any advice for how to keep motivated or what to think about to keep yourself distracted during a work out so you arent thinking about how much it sucks/hurts?
  7. The adventure continues eh?
  8. I feel much the same way
  9. Heroine is like trying to keep your head above water in a wonderfully warm bath, like being hugged by god, knowing he may suddenly shove your head under the water of that bath and drown your sorry ass.
  10. I cant wait to watch that when i get out of the office. Thanks! Do you think they'll do it right or do you think it will be a disaster?
  11. The fillets arent bad though
  12. I get mc doubles because im a cheap fuck.
  13. My bad i meant like refrigerated lol
  14. Chinese. For sure. And im not talking about food
  15. I dont trust the shit hole mcdonalds near my apartment to safely handle raw meat. Sigh. I shouldnt be eating there anyway
  16. I remember hearing that rumor a while back, so its really happening?
  17. It is stale like teh old bread now?
  18. There was a kid at my middle school who got in trouble for poking a kids mouth piece for his sax into his butthole.
  19. Ill add you tonight. I actually heard that they might fix that soon so that people will be able to do it but only once apparently or something like that
  20. I'll ad you tonight when i get home (:
  21. No Though i do envy your N64
  22. Its play station network. for the video gaming and whatnot
  23. Because i finally got teh wifi So you know, if you want to, you could drop your PSN name or you could add me >.> kiwi_cannon
  24. ...What have you heard? >.>
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