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Mode 7
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Everything posted by Kudasai

  1. Microtransactions **sigh** And they wonder why I stick to retro gaming
  2. Onto destruction of a different sort
  3. Cheers
  4. I hate it when you get a new opening/closing anime theme song and they're nowhere near as good as the previous theme songs.
  5. The boss will find out regardless because of witnesses and nobody can hold water in this bitch.
  6. Almost got fired. I might still get fired because I'm going to man up and snitch on myself
  7. Ratchet happy hour has begun
  8. I wish there was a mute button for customers
  9. I just realized that I haven't played video games in almost 3 weeks
  10. This bullshit got me fucked up
  11. Today was the drizzling shits
  12. Well I'm still here so I guess so
  13. And I still have no idea on how this place works
  14. After almost 10 years here I still sometimes feel like I'm the new guy
  15. Nope I missed all the fun
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