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Everything posted by Kudasai

  1. I gotta get out of here, I'm missing all the fun right now
  2. People suck, that is all.
  3. It's not a question if they're dumb it's a question on how they are.
  4. Hey baby what's your cash app? lmao!
  5. I really wish I had gone to see Rush when I had the chance.
  6. LMAO got cockblocked in my own goddamn dream
  7. The album that beat Metallica for the Grammy
  8. Sometimes I think you want to fail!
  9. So tonight it's the Stadium Series game between Tampa Bay and Nashville. To be honest with you I give zero fucks about and outdoor games in general. To me they're played out. I'm more excited about the Flames/Wild on HNIC tonight.
  10. This world is going to hell with gasoline undies on
  11. After binge listening to Jethro Tull I now find myself in the mood for an rpg. Time to fire up Final Fantasy IV
  12. LOL, 5 minutes into register duty and n*ggas already calling me out of my name.
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