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Everything posted by Kudasai

  1. Wishing I had an OG Xbox and a copy of Jet Set Radio Future
  2. Kudasai

    Final Fantasy VI

    And let's be honest, unless you were a hardcore comic book reader back then who knew of The Tick prior to cartoon?
  3. Kudasai

    Final Fantasy VI

    Can anyone verify that Woolsey was a fan of The Tick comics prior to translating FF4?
  4. Kudasai

    Final Fantasy VI

    That wouldn't have been possible anyway seeing as how The Tick premiered in 1994 and Final Fantasy IV was released in 1991
  5. Wondering which scenario I should start first
  6. Kudasai

    Final Fantasy VI

    I was also devastated when I found out that the bard wasn't actually spoony
  7. Kudasai

    Final Fantasy VI

    Featuring Beavis and Butthead
  8. Kudasai


  9. Are you talking about the arcade or the snes port?
  10. Don't know it wasn't my turn to watch her
  11. Serious answer Super Metroid
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