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Mode 7
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Everything posted by Kudasai

  1. cursing, fist fights and the cops being called, all in that order.
  2. @GuyBeardmane First place Super Bowl here we come!
  3. Ratchet happy hour is in full swing
  4. I want more fish sticks
  5. Kudasai


  6. spaghetti and fish sticks for dinner tonight
  7. Kudasai


  8. I'm still human after all
  9. Well Batman Returns has a much stronger case than Die Hard
  10. Wondering if Batman Returns counts as a Christmas movie
  11. Lions football Rebuilding since separate drinking fountains
  12. We need a vaccine for Karens
  13. These pretzels are making me thirsty
  14. Replaying this game
  15. Why do spiders think that I'm just going to allow them to live rent free in my apartment?
  16. Everyone going out of town and me staying behind
  17. This day has gone horribly wrong
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