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Everything posted by cyberbully

  1. Well, I wasn't going for full canon, but you're right...I'll concede to that.
  2. My god, please stop this
  3. I'm actually insulting the mother who has stuffed her to unbelievable proportions. And no....No she's not. Not in her current form. Hopefully she's like Buu and will evolve to a fitter form
  4. I dunno....she kinda looks like a peeled potato right now, but that's her mother's fault.
  5. You mean your biggest fear isn't exploding....Because I'd be worried about that from your recent pics.
  6. Oh yeah....I remember that. I was on mobile last night and wondered where my sig was.
  7. You mean that one retarded dude with gigantism....I mean, he can't have many friends either
  8. Right here...My sig tells you who want her to be h....I mean, who likes apricots.
  9. I have to with a qtip....My nostrils are swollen to fuck and back
  10. Oh shit, you PM'd me this one too....I just saw it.
  11. LOL, this is way worse than the one you PM'd me.
  12. I barely even notice it anymore....It's just part of the character. I don't care for the green shit perpetually under his mouth, but whatever.
  13. It's getting real Naraku4656 in this thread.
  14. so, that's a no? You don't want your ass teamed up against boo's?
  15. Look, I need clear implication....Can I post your pure shitty ass?
  16. Can I post your dilapidated ass? I found it.
  17. Sorry dude...It's our burden for being a cog in the fucking machine
  18. If you weren't such a bitch you'd have some friends too
  19. Just so you know, just a few months ago Rogue showed up in my FB feed dictating that we had been friends for 6 years. 6 YEARS. We don't agree on a LOT of shit but I don't have to explain to him when I'm fucking with him because I'm not retarded.
  20. STFU perv....I would just hire Scoob but he's all big time and shit....So we can just drink and I'll supervise like I did back in 1999.
  21. I'm only slightly hoping for dead.....Not that I want to die, but as I get older, I realize my fucks given are doing a jolting recoil back into my teenage years and seriously, I can't live that way again.
  22. DUH! I'm buying the hardware too....I don't expect you to blow your wad on my house.
  23. I'm not a stranger to it though.......Just after years of doing it I developed a disdain for it.......Ever tar a roof of a 30 story building. Boiling tar and Mississippi heat are not something to be fucked with
  24. Buy us another PS4 and we'll talk. Fuck it.....Build me a garage bar and stock it with tequila and I'll call you papi
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