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Everything posted by smiradenius

  1. A brain Is a network of nerves and I don't think it has to be all concentrated in one place. You have nerves running through almost every part of you.
  2. If you want to lurk, hang or just use the restroom, buy something. Sounds fair. https://www.axios.com/2025/01/13/starbucks-bathroom-policy-changed
  3. Laziness is debatable.
  4. I don't see much difference between 80 and 75mph. You talk about the "mean" like it's the only thing possible there.
  5. Like I said, it's nothing new. It has all happened before.
  6. So, we hear all about the "highest on record". What's running a close second or third?
  7. How long have there been records kept? Also, remember that we're talking about the "highest recorded". What's running a close second or third and so not considered newsworthy enough to mention on the internet. Not much difference between 80 and 75.
  8. Let's just assume for minute that there aren't any trees. Do you think an eighty mph wind can't kick up and spread all the burning sage brush? It's not like the brush is a dense heavy plant. It burns like cardboard with kerosene on it.
  9. They had that in 2011. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Ana_winds#:~:text=The strongest Santa Ana winds,(269 km%2Fh).
  10. I wouldn't be at all surprised if you all blink in unison.
  11. I'm talking to bunch of avatars in hive mind.
  12. No, I just use any, ever.
  13. Never used any pickup lines.
  14. You say you know my name and all that, so you can just look up the property records yourself.
  15. That only works at the bar.
  16. My pronouns are "he", "him", and "Hey, you!"
  17. https://www.facebook.com/reel/2186280095099060?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v
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