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Everything posted by smiradenius

  1. I never had a Twitter. I never stated whether I was for or against Elon.
  2. You mean today's generation of obese diabetics with mental issues who can't climb the ropes in gym? Good luck with that.
  3. And where did it mention him?
  4. To Hell with you. Look at this on an individual basis. I spend $400 per month on my current insurance plan. In ten years, that's $48k. Now, do you expect the insurance company to stay afloat when it has to pay $250k to a hospital six weeks before I die from something? Picture every client being that way.
  5. Who said I'm in favor of him at all?
  6. I never said I was proud of that hunk of shit toy truck.
  7. They're a lot more expensive to run, which drives up delivery prices and then, more ridiculous inflation ensues.
  8. Who do you think is helping to drive all this "green new deal" shit with EV mandates and stuff like that? Just because he's not currently holding a public office doesn't mean he's politically dead.
  9. He wrote one about man made climate change. It's practically his Bible.
  10. You could call it, "Sub Station".
  11. It's his stupid book, isn't it?
  12. So now that "polar vortex" has been put into mainstream vocabulary to boost media ratings and add a false perception of novelty to weather events that have already been taking place for thousands of years, we now have more people getting duped by this "climate change" scat.
  13. Class action lawsuit: https://www.forbes.com/sites/kateoflahertyuk/2025/01/06/apple-siri-eavesdropping-payout-heres-whos-eligible-and-how-to-claim/
  14. Because you can't expect any business to stay up when it's spending more than its income.
  15. With losses like that, they'd all be bankrupt and closed in two years.
  16. When code enforcement approves it, it's livable. It doesn't need a pool, a tennis court, a six car garage or five imported marble staircases.
  17. New Jersey has those. If a guy resides in Linwood buys his new dishwasher in Pleasantville, is he dodging his sales taxes? I don't believe so.
  18. If the insurance "drops" me, I'm probably just a lost cause already, so it wouldn't matter what the doctors or the insurance company do. It's like if I had really serious case of advanced lymphoma, why would an insurance company spend a quarter million dollars to have me just linger on life support for another six weeks?
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