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Everything posted by smiradenius

  1. It better be mine... it's costing me almost $400 a month.
  2. That's what insurance is for.
  3. I don't think it's joyful to gamble away the grocery money.
  4. That's what Dr. Yanity is for.
  5. I'm sometimes just very confused about how some other people live. Take my neighbor, for example. She gets about $950 a month from SSI and has rental assistance. She called me and said she couldn't walk out of the house today because of all this ice laying around. She's 75 years old. Then, she asked me to stop in a store and pick up her lottery tickets. Turns out she spends $10 a day on the Pick 3. Okay, so I brought the tickets to her and can see that it's over $3k a year spent on something that could only pay 500 or 600 in its maximum payout. But, she also says she occasionally runs short on grocery money. But how pervasive is this sort of behavior? Well, how about the amount of time I spent standing in line, behind six other people who were tossing twenties and fifties across the counter? I developed this mindset decades ago that poverty is not an income problem, it's an outflow problem. It's just like heating your house... when it's too cold in there, try shutting the windows.
  6. This one is not Ai. Just two downloaded pictures.
  7. These folks are crazy... Actually, you got me on that one. I should have already guessed it was moved off the cash registers and onto the web.
  8. Pension is a lifetime of payments.
  9. You're home owner, right? Would you just stick a bulletin up by the store cash register that says, "room for rent. Call **5 **95"?
  10. That's part of why there's a workaround on the pension. I was eligible for that a while ago.
  11. You have be 62 to collect the bare minimum SS.
  12. Sheeze... I'm not even eligible for SS. How old do you think I am?
  13. You're claiming Local 54 doesn't have a pension program?
  14. It wasn't a halfway house. It was just a run down, old rooming house. Nobody does that anymore. It used to be that when certain people who owned houses wanted some extra money, they would rent out rooms. The problem today is that so many people just can't be trusted and so a home owner today would never even think of it.
  15. This isn't government aid. It's a private pension.
  16. Didn't I spend enough time, building a pension benefit? I'm not wrong for cashing out on it.
  17. Where did the government aid start?
  18. It's steady and predictable, and therefore workable. Workable > big.
  19. What makes it liberal? If I take the time to cook a meal, I'm not wrong for eating it.
  20. https://www.facebook.com/FeloniousFalafel/videos/433114926537283/
  21. So do I and it's not dependent on where I am or what I'm doing.
  22. At least not compared to the pair of 100 watt Wharfdales. Speakers? I'm all stocked up over here.
  23. So, was I visible or hiding? You're contradicting yourself.
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