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  1. cut off ur fet it will b bttr wth prsthtks
  2. it suk, u ned 2 git yr teeth whtnd 2
  3. clssk pltkz got 2 lve it. atck.
  4. i thk thy wnt big.....https://vapormaven.com/home/vapor-maven-vape-shop-locations/omaha-nebraska-68134/ thtz whr i git mi vap slts. so high rt now.
  5. i ply sum it ok...buttz itz rlly gud whn i stnd.
  6. iv logd in lke 3 timz on diz wbste an evry tim i gtta reset pw...stop!!!
  7. he wuz pilled out an drownd... dum idit.
  8. ru gnna bot it rnd wth a ketchp packt n ur tlppe?
  9. bot 50 tody wnt in da hol on dbit crd lke 300 dllrz...itz cool tho.
  10. u don knw me, thtz mi purze
  11. u guz fund mi prez run plz....ned lke $200 4 mi websites. i bogt 12 domains alrdy, but ned lik 12-15 mre 2 lik git em all...got $35 to last 11 dyz....so snd ur cbbage. i pay u bk nov.6. if nobdy fundz datz ok, they shd b thr nov 6 whn i git mi tchrz retrmnt chk.
  12. iz brk 2 man, evrybdy snd $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 2 evrbdy
  13. Onc upn a tme der wuz a dime. Da end.
  14. joe4lyfe lol i show u guyz smthg funy latr i did wait 4 it...@viperxmns
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