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Everything posted by Roymustang1990

  1. I think there was another underlying reason why Caesar made the kids take the drugs but I'm forgetting it at the moment
  2. Since Nami is in Sanji's body now,she has accessed to his strength and powers but will she be able to control it?
  3. I wish Mirko showcase her combat abilities earlier in the story but better late than never I suppose
  4. agreed,and there is still more of this type of writing to be unpackaged to us viewers
  5. Ah I see. Thanks for bringing that up.My memory about the very first mention sage of six of paths in the series is fuzzy. I think the term is first heard,probably most likely before the fourth ninja war began but not really sure and need to rewatch to confirm accordingly.
  6. Naruto is the reincarnation of Ashura? Ashura didn't even exist as a character until now though,because his name has never been mention once...until now
  7. The sage of six paths is introduced way too late in this series maybe because kishimoto didn't think to write him in the story until now
  8. Guy could have showned this Eight gate nonsense a while back
  9. Luffy's clothes are apparently explosion proof too
  10. another same face nami character,now with blonde hair
  11. Yup,Steve Blum voiced the first villain in the first arc of the Naruto series which was Zabuza Momochi.
  12. Guy opening the eight gate,the most overpowered gate release
  13. Kid guy has quite the developed nose already
  14. Oh,I see. I wasn't aware of the story context of Setsuna being trained under Kohaku Yeah,Setsuna having the demon slayer outfit definately threw me off. It also definately doesn't help how Setsuna's hair style is oddly reminscient to Sango's. I did wonder why Setsuna had a red streak accompanying her black hair this whole time though. I didn't notice Setsuna's fur boa similarities with Sesshomaru until now. Ah,I see.So,Rin is definitely 18 years old after all. Yeah,the character design for Rin in Yashahime paints Rin looking more like a teenager than a adult. I think I need to go back and finish Inuyasha as well,as the story context you just mentioned with Rin having her age stopped in Inuyasha..or did that happen in the first season of Yashahime instead? Well,I wasn't aware that scenario had happen in the main story until you brought it up just now. Ah i see, yeah can't wait to check out Season 1 now and hopefully finish the entire watch through of Inuyasha.
  15. Did Rin have setsuna and towa before she became an adult? That is if she even is an adult at this point of the story
  16. Yeah ,I had missed a big majority of Yashahime episodes and my first exposure to the show was through watching only the second season so far. But yeah Setsuna's character design look more closer to Sango's so without the proper context,I automatically assume she was Sango's daughter. Lol edit: I plan to watch all through season 1 of yashahime eventually to catch up but thanks
  17. Missing a majority of yashahime's episodes,This whole time I thought sestuna was Sango's daughter but instead rin is the mother of sestuna.
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