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Everything posted by Roymustang1990

  1. I miss this red head lady even though she's barely a character except for particular episodes
  2. Too bad Naruto isn't conscious to see that unofficial kiss from Sakura
  3. Awesome! Yeah I miss Troy Baker too. The greedling voice he provided in fma brotherhood would have been a good substitute voice for Law if anything happened to Matt Mercer.
  4. yeah,Smoker too and many others like you said. I personally thought Law was the most likable badass dude in one piece though. I honestly thought it was Zoro for the longest time until I saw alot more of Law's characterization. lol
  5. Yeah, Law hasn't been explored enough to the viewers at this point of this story for them to really gauge on how they really feel about him which is a shame. I will say though that getting Matt Mercer to voice Law is one of the best choices by voice director Mike Mcfarland ,if the not the best choice for voicing a stud like Law. Another good candidate to voice Law is Troy Baker in my opinion even though Troy Baker sounds similar to Matt Mercer
  6. I'll say it again. Law Trafalgar is the most bad ass guy character in all of one piece but you have to watch more of the time skip to see what I mean and even then u might disagree lol
  7. And we see yet another one of many giant characters that we seen in one piece in the past because oda has an obession with making particular characters giant in this series lol
  8. I realky wish they would cut away this same recap they been playing every episode since the timeskip happened
  9. Good point,it never crossed my mind that ten ten could presumably be chinese. Yeah your definitely right with the show being multi-ethic too. We saw black characters like Killer bee appeared on screen but we never heard the other characters comment on his race ethnicity. Instead we heard the characters ask what village he's from,etc.
  10. Kishimoto determine her height by flipping a coin. If it landed on heads,she would be tall. if it landed on tails,she would be short. Apparently, the coin landed on tails.
  11. Always thought that some of ten ten's character design was kinda inspired by Street fighter's chun li. At least,some of her hairstyle anyways
  12. Well,I'm not really sure about the team members of Shira. I do know that we did see Shira appear on screen in a previous episode a while back. Matsuri and Yukata as well, like u said.
  13. These sand ninjas must be using rejected character designs that kishimoto didn't want to use for the main cast...probably
  14. I forgot that was a thing of Gaara but yeah I think your right.
  15. Gaara's right eye isn't the same color as his left eye! Artist mistake? I guess that gaara was one of his sand clones
  16. I can't really remember myself too since its been a while This is definitely the first time Law showcase his heart stealing ability of the operation operation devil fruit,which Law didn't say he could do the last time we saw him use his powers In the Sabaody Archipelago arc,if I remember correctly.
  17. Yeah the basic one between them gets overplayed way too much for its own good,that it gets tiring to see honestly,but like u said,they can be surprising gold like the one were seeing right now
  18. I think this one might be the funniest of all the Sanji- Nami interactions we got so far.
  19. If I remember correctly,you'll see actual counter play to laws devil fruit powers in the future
  20. Nami' s reaction to losing her body to Sanji just might be even funnier lol but yeah its great comedy for sure for anyone who enjoys the character interactions between sanji and nami,like me,though Sanji is my favorite of the straw hats right behind Zoro.
  21. I saw it happen years ago when I watching the subs. i laughed really hard when i first saw it too. It still makes me laugh to this day. Lol
  22. Law Trafalgar is the coolest guy character in one piece
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