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Everything posted by Roymustang1990

  1. Yes the 6 tails Naruto vs pain happen in the main canon before, except that fight actually had top notch quality fight animation attached to it in alot of its scenes(that were not really seen in this video below besides the last couple of minutes and then it abruptly cuts off, pain is also make some usual derpy faces while fighting for some reason) opposed to the inferior fight we saw tonight The video below is the one we saw happen during the main canon ,by the way
  2. I believe I heard one of the characters in this episode call this nine tails form, the 6 tails
  3. God tier animation quality returns for another 6 tails Naruto vs pain fight? And no it doesn't
  4. Crimson op calloboration ray in effect now
  5. Most definitely an ass pull. Itachi's true reason for killing all the Uchiha's just served as a way to take sasuke's character arc into a new direction as sasuke's character arc was supposed to be over at that point in the story as sasuke fulfilled his motivation...technically.
  6. It came out of left field and wasn't properly build up
  7. The mention of sasuke wanting to take the Chidori's capabilities beyond kakashi's limit doesn't even exist in the original episode
  8. Man,Mirko is a tough sexy babe! Make a filler on her being the number one hero one day,studio bones
  9. oh i see,thanks for also clarifying. I wasn't aware that Neji referred to tobi as father on last weeks episode as I didn't give my full attention to that episode and still haven't rewatched it yet. But yeah,since we already know tobi's true identity from the main story. I thought it would have been nice for this filler to change that(jokingly) and to my surprise, it actually happen!
  10. I'm already missing bitchy Hinata
  11. My worthless prediction actually came true This Tobi is Neji's dad
  12. Kinda hoping this tobi's true identity ends up being someone other than obito even if it contradicts the main plot Surprise me,filler!
  13. Grizzly magnum is basically a stronger version of gum gum pistol
  14. Man,Oda had a miss opportunity to insert ironicly fitting dialogue like this for Caesar the clown
  15. For some reason,I can definitely see Law saying this statement,but in a much more serious tone of course
  16. and there goes Vergo dying while being dismembered. Harsh
  17. I didn't know this series had a character using a character design similar to Esdeath from akame ga kill
  18. Emma just has two identities now and doesn't know to deal with it
  19. Gotta say,EmmaLinda's character design also reminds me of lust from the full metal alchemists series Also,apologies for the spoiler tags below,I accidentally added them
  20. that dissapointment can also be shared for alot of anime and video games roles that laura(besides Laura coming back to voice the new fruit basket anime) and travis chosed to unfortunately relinquish. Hearing a new voice actor's work on a character that already a voice actor assigned to them can be pretty jarring and hard to accept.In any case, Laura was a perfect fit for Harribel. I can't see the new voice actress for Harribel so trumping her performance. I'd only seen a little bit of their work on critical role and so far still not impress with what I'm seeing to justify following them for that. I've only seen clips of fruit basket and haven't watched enough to justify my own opinion on it. All I know is fans seem to prefer the new fruit baskets anime over the old one,from what I'm seeing. Nice to see that the final arc of bleach is finally being adapted and with a high budget too
  21. Its fine if Kushina's hair doesn't resemble the natural red we see in real life lol . In any case,I think her hair was colored red to probably reflect her temper tantrum probably or because she has the kyubi inside of her,whose aura is colored red too. I don't know lol. I think Laura and Travis initially quit voicing anime because they weren't happy with their paychecks.Laura Bailey did come back to anime temporarily to voice the main character of fruits basket though,which is apparently her favorite voice role for anime.
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