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Everything posted by PurgatoryGirl

  1. Happy Birthday and Happy New Year!🎉🎁🍷🎂🎈
  2. In another 1/2 hour for Splatterday, the 1980 Christmas Slasher, Christmas Evil will be re-airing on The Movie Channel. OMG! That movie is too fucking hilarious to be considered a Horror film. It's more like watching a retro Dark Humor Christmas film. The Christmas decorations and ornaments are the scariest parts of that movie.😂 Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed your Yule, Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanza.🎄
  3. Wow! That's shocking and sad. They play this music video up the ass on MTV Classic. It's pathetic that MTV keeps launching multiple channels only to eventually ruin them with Reality TV and syndicated episodes of sitcoms from 2 decades ago. MTV Classic is the only music channel, that currently airs music videos anymore. As I watch their music blocks, I can't help feeling a little depressed. There are times, during each block that the network will have music videos with dead vocalists, guitarists, dead rappers, Pop and R&B singers. It's a great way to remind us veteran music lovers, that all those we spent years watching and listening to over the years are now dead and that we're getting older.
  4. Happy Birthday and many more!🎉🎈🎂🎁
  5. It wasn't until 2008, that both Cartoon Network and Adult Swim went down the shitter. Stuart Snyder has mostly been to blame, but I feel Mike Lazzo was another contributor to it, regarding Adult Swim.
  6. They're both snide pieces of shit, that want to disguise their insults as jokes. That's when they're not being self-righteous and divisive about something or someone. When I'm not watching other networks for different shows, I only watch Adult Swim for Anime now.
  7. It's a little hard to rejoice over Lazzo's retirement because we don't know if Adult Swim will get any better or WORSE without him. Hopefully now that Mike Lazzo is retiring, maybe Metalocalypse can get its final 5th season? If Anime can return to weeknights, that would be even better.
  8. Hope you enjoyed your day!
  9. I had a feeling that it was cardiac arrest or that he may have died in his sleep.
  10. Yeah, I was wondering if John was already sick and kept it secret. Has Aaron McGruder said anything about his death?
  11. There's more complaining than there are fun discussions. To make matters worse, the hostile keyboard warrior antics over who's right and who's wrong is toxic as well as repulsive. I've got much bigger problems in my daily life than fighting over a cartoon's ratings. This may sound condescending but when I do have more time, I post on a much older forum with more mature adults that resonate with me. There's nothing wrong with being passionate about hobbies and interests, but Toonami's fandom, especially from ASMB's community has the tendency to suck the fun out of watching a show. After a long and stressful day, I like being able to enjoy what I'm watching in peace without someone nitpicking it to death or having to deal with someone's attitude problems because I'm not jumping on the bandwagon of hatred, for a show I actually happen to like. For the most part, lurking and leaving is the best option.
  12. If memory serves me right, I think someone said that Hell Girl got a 4th season just last year. So, even though the the first 3 seasons are older, Hell Girl still got another season years later. The same applies for Full Metal Panic. It's really a matter of whether or not Adult Swim's programmers like it enough to air it.
  13. We still have yet to learn what caused his death. It was so sudden, when they were already talking about working on The Boondocks again.
  14. Earlier this morning, my jaw dropped from the shock of hearing on my local news that John Witherspoon died. Every news outlet I watched today never bothered to mention, that he voiced Grandad on The Boondocks, which I found irksome. Even though I enjoyed watching the Friday franchise and The Wayans Bros as a teenager, during the '90s, I favored his voice acting for The Boondocks. https://deadline.com/2019/10/john-witherspoon-dead-obituary-comedian-friday-star-77-1202772258/
  15. What are the chances of Adult Swim airing the entire Hell Girl franchise? I'm going with NEVER.
  16. Yeah, Evil is a pretty good show. Earlier, I watched the last 2 episodes that I recorded on my DVR before purging for the next round of shows I want to record throughout the week. Dr. Leland Townsend is creepy as hell. His looks and behavior are enough to make anybody's skin crawl. Supposedly, Dr. Leland Townsend is an occultist expert, who is obsessed with encouraging people to commit some form of evil. I guess you could say he's like that devil on the opposite shoulder of the angel telling someone "Do it! Do it!" That character is very divisive and creepy.
  17. Halloween, Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving are only 3 of the holidays before Christmas yet they always get the shaft, which is annoying. I want to enjoy our other holidays before I have to drain my wallet to buy Christmas presents.
  18. Even though I liked Parasyte -The Maxim-, it was more tragic than horrifying in my opinion. When it comes to other Horror Anime, I would have to say Shiki, the Hellsing franchise, the Hell Girl franchise (BTW: My username is in reference to a Hell Girl episode, for those who may be wondering), Tokko, Another, Devil May Cry, Elfen Lied, Vampire Knight, the Tokyo Ghoul franchise, Ghost Hunt, Murder Princess, The Wallflower (It's really more of a Horror Comedy Anime than anything), and Higurashi. That's only listing a few off the top of my head.
  19. If you don't have any premium channels like the Encore Starz packages, for example, you're not seeing much Horror. Several movies have aired within the last few hours to days, regarding the genre. HD.Net Movies aired Ghoulies I and II the other night and morning. Friday The 13th, Halloween, Seed Of Chucky, etc. have been airing for the last week to month on different channels. If you want to see Horror or anything that is Halloween oriented, you may want to invest in a different cable/satellite provider. Otherwise, you may want to add more premium channels to your package. If you think that's annoying, imagine being someone who is a part of the Horror industry and having to deal with those in sales and marketing only wanting to promote Horror, during the month of October. Follow that up with highly misinformed people, who have been conditioned to believe that Horror is only meant to be enjoyed during Halloween, when the genre is NOT a Halloween Only genre.
  20. It's nice to see that posting FearOf.Net is at least helpful to somebody on here.
  21. Yeah, that's understandable. It could be worse than being just a phobia. Imagine if that phobia was a premonition or actually came true. It would be much worse. Talk about a serious trauma.
  22. Re-watching this scene, while DVR'ing Wolf had me laughing so hard.🤣 Sony is re-airing Wolf in another hour or less.
  23. In less than another hour, Wolf will be airing on Sony (Channel 386 on Dish Network). I have waited A WHOLE YEAR just for this Classic Romantic Horror film to re-air. Twilight's got nothing Wolf. If somebody wasn't always bumming off my cash, I could've been bought the movie on DVD at Walmart, last year. Anyway, Wolf airs on Sony at 9:40/8:40pm. The next airing is around the early morning/midnight.
  24. Do you have basic cable? We have the Starz/Encore tier on our current Dish Network package with other channels like HD.Net Movies, EPIX, Sony, MoviePlex, Retroplex, etc. Even though we have tons of channels, it is somewhat frustrating that more Halloween and Horror themed movies aren't airing. However, I find it somewhat irksome that some of the premium channels are showing out of season movies. Earlier this month, the original and remake versions of My Bloody Valentine aired. Like why? Considering it's a Valentine's Day Slasher Horror film, save that movie for the first 2 months of the new year; Save it for January and February NOT October. Early Saturday evening, HD.Net Movies aired Secret Window, which was based on Stephen King's novella Secret Window, Secret Garden. I contacted STARZ via e-mail and social media requesting them to air Wolf. For the last 25 years, I haven't seen Wolf in its entirety. Last year, The Sony Channel aired it only once and I missed the first 30 minutes of the movie. It aired early in the morning. Had I not been scrolling through the TV Guide, I would've missed the entire movie. Rather than STARZ and Encore Suspense constantly re-airing the SCREAM trilogies throughout the year, the networks should be airing Wolf and some other Classic Horror films from the '90s and older. James Spader, Jack Nicholson, and Michelle Pfeiffer were the stars of Wolf. Seeing those 3 in the same movie together is hard to come by. Michelle and Jack have played in more than 1 movie together, especially in Horror. Now, James Spader being in the same movie with them happened I believe only once within the last 3 decades. It's amazing that he hasn't been in more Horror. This may sound like I'm fangirling over him, but James Spader has the ability to play quirky, creepy, evil, and sleazy roles to the extent that he can make someone's skin crawl. At least it seems that way to me.
  25. So far, I don't know if I have neoannophobia or not. However, I do sorta have a sense of dread just before the New Year's Ball drops. In a way, watching that ball drop does give me an ominous feeling. We never know what the new year will bring to everyone. I guess it's more like that so-called "fear of the unknown."
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