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Everything posted by MegaNaraku

  1. Still the best Bleach AMV ever
  2. Straight up. Tell it how it is
  3. Yeah, watching the shitty anime's wouldnt be so exciting
  4. Sorrow
  5. Hookups
  6. Beer
  7. Probably most of us as 90's kids
  8. Water
  9. If only we could just get paid by how many times we post... or just get paid to watch anime all day 8)
  10. It's crazy you've met so many I haven't met a single one yet..... though I also took like a 5 year break....
  11. I .... I don't really like it
  12. Been there before. I hated my last job and burnt that bridge.. so I cant use them as a reference even though I was there for quite a while. Probably not worth it
  13. Have a ton of fun
  14. In 99 I was 6 years old. So lets party as in... video games and juice
  15. MegaNaraku


  16. All of IB
  17. MegaNaraku


  18. Colorful
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