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Everything posted by Derackthehunter

  1. You look at the dumbest metrics to brag about nothing I have ever seen. You pick one person and challenge them to compete with what you've done when the living spaces aren't the same. I'm sure I use more than you do but I still contribute less to GW than you. There's more than one way to make a impact. https://www.factcheck.org/2009/06/al-gores-mansion/ Just gonna leave that there for you to not read.
  2. Right but who brags about just useing less and not that fact that it cost them less money as well? Damn well I guess I walked into that one
  3. But it lowers the rate per KWH. What's not to understand about that.
  4. Might as well. I'm at work and it's boring and raining again so yeah good times.
  5. Simple. Create him in your image.
  6. That's frostbite
  7. Sounds like you've described yourself.
  8. How could what I said at all be considered trying to impress girls? Your trying way to hard to be cool.
  9. Do you not get to choose a energy supplier?
  10. Wow. Just wow.
  11. I'm actually thinking of getting the big stand alone ones that rotate with the sun throughout the day for my back yard. I could easily get 3-4 of them back there and they'd get me enough sun. I'm also interested in the solar roof.
  12. Impossible you don't have money.
  13. Just to start.
  14. Because like everything there's money involved. Going green is still helpful but it's a drop in the bucket compared to the levels of methane that gets put out every day. I agree and wish more people would come out and say this but it's not likely as they will be paid not too and some dumbasses still don't think Global Warming is real to begin with.
  15. You don't. The mod becomes you.
  16. So much of the things you say make me want to punch a Catholic. First there are far to many variables that you left out and the most glaring have already been mentioned. Also the number one cause of global warming is animal agriculture but I'm not surprised that you are doing insufficient research into anything. Keep on being pack
  17. I stopped to do all the extras and then started playing something else.
  18. I hate COD. However that sounds like a impressive fear so good job.
  19. Not gonna lie man, I'm still slowly chugging my way through Fallout 3.
  20. Don't fuck with that toxic social media man. I got better things to do. *Spends the rest of the day here looking at threads that no one post in*
  21. Why so many notifications? That's drives me crazy.
  22. Damn I forgot about that.
  23. Got my hopes up for a second there
  24. I prefers muffins.
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