God I don't even know.
Probably standard stuff that guys use until they have a easy way to access porn.
Like magazines with lingerie and bra and panties sets.
Shit like that.
So young, I had no idea the things I'd be into.
I wasn't I was pointing out the obvious that anybody else would see.
I also did it a very polite manner and specifically didn't acuse you of doing it on purpose.
Now as far as the trash comment I do not recall so I'm gonna need a refresher on that one.
Well I mean there was literally a thread made about how bad things were going with theirs so it could come across as a slight.
I'm not implying you were but others could.
Me either.
Not that it would matter with my current supply being loose fitting compared to yours.
I used to have a bunch like yours but not quite as long going down the leg.
That's a long wait, I can see why that would make you question wether to see someone else.
The best I could tell you to try to find someone who'd be good to talk too during the transition.