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Everything posted by Derackthehunter

  1. What's something that in the heat of the moment got you off but right after disgusted you?
  2. I mean I guess that could work. I meant lots of awkward winking. That always works.
  3. Sweet deal. Sounds like you've got it locked up. Just throw'em the charm
  4. The CU you've been talking about?
  5. Like the after life? Because I'm unsure.
  6. I feel like no reply would have been better.
  7. Maybe you decided to play the long game on this one.
  8. I said in another thread of hers that it feels like she just wants to post her photos. We're probably a couple post away from a link to Photobucket or Dropbox.
  9. Well that pretty much leads right into what I said in another thread.
  10. Should have burned it to the ground first. That'll show them
  11. How in the fuck would you accidentally share them? What ever method you use now to send pictures would be the same method you would continue to use. The only difference is instead of picking another cloud backup you'd pick Google photos. Or still pick the other servers, you don't need to use Google photos to send anything just use it for backups.
  12. What's the difference. You have them on other servers.
  13. You know I feel like you just want us to see the pictures you have in your Dropbox and or Photobucket.
  14. Did you manually select all the folders on the phone? Because by default it only does the camera
  15. It's more of a general cleanse, most people hang on to to much shit, not only on phones but in life in general. I find it's helpful to cut the cord on shit that you truly don't need, the less stuff you have the keys stuff weighing you down. Plus for people who never worked in cell phones like we did/do they might not have that patience.
  16. I didn't base those on memory limitations.
  17. As a public service announcement I feel that the best thing to do when getting a new device is to get rid of anything you don't need so you have less to transfer in the first place. Get rid of old text, man people have some from fucking 5+ years ago. The conversation stopped let it go. Apps you haven't used in months or longer, if you don't remember why you have it get rid of it. Then pictures and video, it'll be tedious but worth it.
  18. Well the word around here is 10-15 today with it getting as much as 2-3 an hour so yeah good times. Oh and I work all day today by myself so it'll fun getting home tonight.
  19. Can't handle voting either.
  20. Going the dapper route sans bowties I see.
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